Chapter eight:Dinner with him

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Luca's P.O.V.

We walk into the restaurant and go to the person who takes us to our seats. Skylar starts squirming so Sara grabs him from me and bounces him a little. He calms back down.

"Reservation?" The waitress says without looking up with a bored tone.

"It's under Moretti," I say a little annoyed that she doesn't even act happy.

Her head shoots up when she hears my last name and she smiles trying to look seductively but she just looks like she's in pain.

"Yes sir, please follow me," she says probably trying to be cute but I only have eyes for one person and right now she looks uncomfortable.

We follow her to our seats and she is moving her hips a little too much for it to be natural. Now I'm just getting annoyed. Not only is she taking forever to walk us to our seat, but she is also flirting with me, knowing I'm here with someone else and she is making mi Principessa uncomfortable. (my princess)

We finally arrive at our table and I pull out Sara's chair. She sits down and thanks me. Another waitress gives us our menu.

"Hello there handsome my name is Samantha and I'll be your waitress for the night. What can I getcha?" She asks a little seductively.

"I'll take a glass of red wine and warm water, but not too warm. Principessa what would you like?" I ask Sara.

"Um I will take a water please," she says to the waitress who just stares at her with a bored expression.

She walks away after getting her order and we just talk about random things. I learned her favorite color is red. She loves taking care of her brother. She has been homeschooled since about a month before Skylar was born. She loves to read and write. She knows how to play the piano. We talked about her bestrides who she has known since they were all in first grade.

I knew most of this already because I kept track of her and I did a background check on those best friends of hers, just in case. I want to keep my Principessa safe. It was a basic one nothing too detailed.

The waitress brings back our drinks. I get the warm water and hand it to Sara so she can make Skylar's bottle while I grab him from her.

"Now handsome have you figured out what you would like to eat?" She says completely ignoring Sara. I can tell it's making her uncomfortable again.

"Amore, what would you like to eat?" I say to her while holding Skylar who is staring at me with his blue eyes.

"Um, I think I want the lasagna please," she says while shaking his bottle.

"Make that two," I say to the waitress who looks at Sara in disgust.

"Are you sure you don't want the salad?" she says to Sara.

By now I am upset and I get ready to tell her something but Sara beats me to it.

"No, actually I don't want something that will barely fill me up just to look good. I will eat what I want," she says as nicely as possible.

"Get us a different waitress and you are fired," I say to her.

The waitress starts crying and walks away.

"You own this restaurant?" Saara asks me looking confused.

"Yes I do," I say.

She nods.

A new waitress comes and retakes our order, then walks away.

She hands me the bottle and I feed Skylar. I'm surprised he isn't crying but I'm also glad. I feed him then Sara burps him and he falls asleep in her arms.

Our dinner came and we ate laughing a little but unfortunately, like all good things, the night came to an end and I drove us home. I walked her to her bedroom carrying a sleeping Skylar in his car seat. She opened her bedroom door and I put Skylar on her bed so she can unbuckle him. I walk back to her bedroom door and she follows me.

"Goodnight Sara", I say to her.

She stands on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek while holding my arms for balance shocking the shit out of me. Well, she tries kissing my cheek but I'm so much taller than her she kisses my jaw.

"good night Luca," she says with a smile. She walks back into her room and closes her door.

I stand there for a good five minutes touching my jaw where she kissed me. I feel a smile on my face as I walked to my room.

I get dressed for bed and laid down. I tossed and turned because all I could think about was wanting Sara Lee next to me. I want to look at her beautiful face before I fall asleep. I want to see her face first when I open my eyes.

I probably sounded like a weirdo but I don't care.

I hated that a wall separated us. Just thinking about the fact that she was so close yet so far away was driving me nuts.

But, I will sleep alone until she is comfortable enough to sleep with me.

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