Chapter fourteen: Silence

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"Bambina, you forgot Skylar's diaper bag. It has his milk in it and you will need it soon. Can you open the door for me please, so I can hand it to you?" I hear Luca say on the other side of the door.

Skylar is awake so I set him on his play mat on the floor and go to my bedroom door. I unlock it and open it a little and reach my arm out so he can give it to me. But that isn't what he had planned because he pushes the door open.

"Amore we need to talk. You shutting yourself in your room like this especially after you saw her and you flinched at me is not healthy. Come out here with the baby and we can talk," Luca says.

I think about it and shake my head no. He sighs.

"It's either that or I sit in here and watch every little thing you do," He says.

I stand there and just look at him. I know he will do it so I just sigh and nod. I go over to Skylar and grab him. I point towards the mat because I can't carry Skylar and the mat. After all, Skylar is bigger than he used to be. He comes in and grabs it. I walk out of the room and go towards the living room. I see Valentino and Ricardo sitting there.

When I walk in they both look at me and smile. Normally I would smile back but I just keep a blank face on.

"Hey babycakes Are you okay," Ricardo asks. I just nod.

He was about to talk again but Luca walks in with the mat. He puts it down on the floor and I nod at him to say thank you.

I don't feel like talking to anyone so I will just nod or shake my head no at them.

I put Skylar down on the mat and sit on the floor with him. Once again it is just complete silence until someone clears their throat obviously uncomfortable.

"So, Sara are you going to talk to us?" Luca asks.

I shake my head no and he just sighs. I don't think he knows what to do because I never act like this.

We all sit in silence beside Skylar who is babbling. Nobody is talking and it is getting awkward fast.

Luca's phone rings and he pulls it out. He looks at it then looks at me. Then, he stands up and walks out of the room.

"Ricardo, Valentino," Luca calls out. They look at me then walk quickly to wherever Luca is.

I sit playing with Skylar for about twenty minutes and then all three of them come into the living room.

"Bumblebee, there is a problem at work and we have to go figure it out," Luca says.

I nod while looking at Skylar still.

"We should be back by dinner time. If you get hungry the chef will be here tonight," he says.

I nod again.

Luca just sighs. He walks up to me and kneels so he is the same height as me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"I'll be back soon baby. I'm sorry I have to leave," he whispers.

I just nod again. He gets up and walks to the guys. They wave and then leave out the front door. I take Skylar back upstairs and just lay on the bed while he plays with a toy.

Skylar starts to fall asleep again even though he woke up a little bit ago. He must still be tired. I get off the bed and put pillows all around him to make sure he is safe.

That woman knows where I go to school and my name. She knew my father died. She also said Luca was dangerous and dared to say he killed my father. I knew she was crazy, but after all of that, I think she may be certifiably insane.

I remember this box I got from when I lived with my father. It was always hidden because if my father knew I had it he would probably throw it away. But, when I moved into Luca's house I hid it in the back of my closet because it reminded me of old times I didn't want to think about. When I moved on with Luca I realized I could start all over and live a new and better life. Unfortunately, though, this lady is back and it brings memories up I don't want to remember.

I opened the box and took out a picture, rubbing the dirt and dust off of it.

The picture was of my "family." My parents, me, and my siblings. I never knew what happened to my brothers and sister after my mom died. They just kind of disappeared and father was always too drunk to notice. My mom was holding a baby me. My older brothers, Luciano, Benjamen, and Stephen were standing on one side of my mom and they looked like they had been rolling in mud. Both of my parents were smiling at each other. We were all happy.

My father used to be the best. What happened?

I look at my mother in the picture and it looks like the woman who I have seen. So, she has been alive but she left me with that monster?

Where are my siblings? Did they leave me with the egg donor?

I didn't want to fully believe her when she says she's my mother because then what else is she saying that's true? Is Luca dangerous? Is he the one who killed my father?

As soon as those questions passed through my head I felt gross that I believed them for even a second. He would never hurt Skylar and me.

I decide to call the girls now to explain to them that she is my bio mom. After explaining it they were confused because we all thought she was dead. We talked for a little while then, after saying our goodbyes we hung up.

Way too many questions are running through my head and it is giving me a headache.

I decide to just go to sleep with Skylar for now. I can figure all this out later. I put the picture back into the box and set it on the ground. After, I get back into bed and lay with Skylar, and slowly feel myself falling into the darkness.

A/N: I am so sorry it took so long to update. School is driving me mad and it's all a little crazy.

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