Chapter 17: Unexpected guest

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          It's been six days since i talked to anyone. Luca tries everyday but i just can't. Ricardo and Valentino have been over here everyday to try and get me to talk, but I am scared if i talk to anyone I am going to cry and I don't know if I will be able to stop.

        Today I'm going to come out of my room and hang out with the guys. Skylar is awake and playing on his mat. I put the baby carrier on and set Skylar in it. He looks at me and giggles. I grab his play mat and bring it downstairs. I hear voices in the living room so I walk in that direction. I see Luca, Valentino, Ricardo, and a man I have never seen before.

       The  guys must have heard me because they all turn around in unison.  (That's still creepy.) The mystery man turns around to and I see him for the first time. Its my older brother.

"Luci?" I said.  

I drop Skylar's play mat and just stare at them all.

"Sarbear" Luciano says.

I walk up to him with tears in my eyes and smack him.

" You! You left me alone with that monster. I had to deal with everything on my own. You all left me. I HAD NO ONE!" I yell at him.

I look at Luca and the guys.

"And you three, did you know?" i said with tears going down my face. "Did you know he was my brother?"

All three of them look guilty.

"How long?" I said.

Luca then speaks up, " Since the day you last seen Elizabeth."

I laugh sadly.

"A week." I said. "You have known a week?!"

"I was going to tell you Sara but you have been having a rough week, I wanted to wait until you were ready to talk again. But then something came up with work and he had to come here. I am so sorry love," Luca says.

"We were trying to look out for you Sugar bear," Ricardo says.

Valentino walks up to me and engulfs me and Skylar into a hug. It was surprising because he has never hugged us before.

"We are so sorry we didn't tell you sweets," He says.

I hug him back and Skylar starts crying. He squished in between us.

"I need time. Please leave Luciano. I can't deal with this right now," I said, letting go of Vale so I can comfort Skylar.

"Okay Sarbear, when you are ready to talk the guys have my number just get it from them and we can talk," Luciano says. "I am ready when you are sweetie."

I just nod my head at him. He leaves and Luca walks up to me.

"I am so sorry sweetheart," he says looking at me. "I just wanted to give you some time."

" I am upset at you but i under stand why you did it. All of you I understand. I came down here so we could hang out," I said looking at all three of them.

"Okay, I am just glad you are talking again. We can do whatever you want sweetheart," Luc says.

"I am starving can we go out to eat at that italian place you own Luc? I would like it if Ricky and Vale came to please," I said and before i even finish Luca is nodding and so are the other two.

"Great, I will go get ready and meet you down here in about 15 minutes," I say.

I turn around and walk back upstairs with Skylar to get dressed. This place is fancy so I need a nice dress.

I put Skylar down on his play mat and go into our closet. I look through my dresses and I find a beautiful black lace dress and my red high heels. I decided to just throw my hair up in a pretty bun and put mascara on.

I go back in the closet to pick Skylar's clothes out and choose a light blue button up shirt and cute little black slacks. I get him dressed quickly and then put his diaper bag together.

I look at my phone and see it's been ten minutes already so I quickly throw on my dress and shoes. I put Skylar in his car seat and grab the diaper bag and my purse. I carry him down stairs and I see three handsome looking men.

Luca turns around and looks at me. He looks amazing. I didn't think he could look anymore handsome.
"You look beautiful sweetheart," Luca says smiling at me.

"Thank you Luca" I say smiling at him.

"Are you ready to go sweetheart?" He says.

"Yes let's go!" I say excited.

Luca grabs the diaper bag and my purse and Val grabs Skylar. I thank them both and we head to the car.

Val put skylar in the car and clicks him in. I smile at him and he gets in the seat next to Skylar.

Ricky opens the front door for me "my lady" with a big smile.

"Thank you kind sure" I saying laughing.

We head out to the restaurant all chatting and singing the songs while Luca sits there driving and laughing at us.

A/N: I know  I have been absent for a long time and I am sorry about that. I hate when I read stories like that. I will try posting more often. I have been incredibly busy and I had a baby it's been a journey but Ima try now to be more on time. Love you guys thank you for reading my story♥️♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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