The mix up

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It was at 2:03am when two babies were born, twins to be exact. One baby was born healthy while the others heart rate was going faster than the other the only reason that was happening was because that baby kept giving most of his nurturance to the other. He was gonna be fine though all he needed was to breathe some air and he was fine. While he was laying in his mothers arms with his younger brother happy and calm, the doctor though was about to make a big mix up.

Coming back in the room the doctor was holding another babies paperwork without realising. "sorry Mr and Mrs Barnes your oldest baby might not make it" the doctor said. With tears in their eyes they decided to put their baby up for adoption. That's how Peter Benjamin 'Benji' Barnes ended up in an orphanage with a tag around his wrist stating his information, while his younger brother James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes went home with their parents.

Only a couple days later a couple who were expecting walked into the orphanage called Sarah and Joseph Rogers and were about to turn Peters life around. They asked if they had any new-borns so the lady lead them to the only baby in the orphanage, when the got to the room the lady turned to the couple and said "this is Peter Benjamin Barnes he was born only a couple of days ago his birthday is March 10th" Sarah asked to hold him and the lady nodded. When Sarah picked him up he opened his eyes and smiled, Sarah gasped at his striking steel blue eyes and smile. She turned to Joseph and they nodded this was the one for them. They signed the adoption papers but didn't change his last name they left that the same and left the orphanage with their new son.

Over the next few months Joseph and Sarah loved Peter like their own but never told anyone his last name so to everyone else he was Peter Rogers even to his mum and dad. But the both knew they were going to tell him the truth of his heritage when he was older, because even at only a few month old he was already saying 'mama' and 'dada' so they knew he would understand them when he was older. It was only yesterday when they told Peter he was going to have a little brother, he smiled and patted Sarah's round stomach and said 'bubba' then giggled. They picked him up and cuddled him praising and cooing at him.

All was well in peters life.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bucky's life not so much.

His parents were missing their oldest baby and they knew Bucky could feel it to. He was a smart baby he could feel he was missing that same warmth he felt that suddenly disappeared and he didn't know where. He can hear his parent talking about his brother but he cant see him and he wants to. So to make things easier he is good for is mum and dad in hopes he will see his older brother. But that never happened.

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