Stark Expo

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It was Benji and Bucky's birthday and Steve had dipped into Benji's savings to get them tickets to Stark Expo because he knows they both love Science. He goes and get Benji who was looking though his stuff in his room, walking in Steve taps him on the shoulder "I hope you don't mind but I used some of your money to get you and Bucky a birthday present and we need to get Bucky before I can give you it" he says sheepishly. "You know you can dip into my money whenever you want to what's mine is yours to I wont ever be mad at you ok, we can get Bucky, Stevie when would you like to go" Benji asked and Steve told him now, so he nodded and they left heading to Bucky's.

Getting there before they could even knock on the door Bucky had already threw it open 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' was the first thing he said to them. Both Steve and Benji just laughed and hugged him "happy birthday little brother I am still the better looking twin" Benji said once they pulled apart not before he kissed their foreheads "Stevie here said he has a present for us but we had to get you first" turning to Steve he held up an envelope and handed it to them. Opening it they gasped and looked at him "I hope the third one in here is for you and nobody else" Benji said handing him the third ticket "Thank you Stevie this is great we can go to Stark Expo now, I love having brothers" Bucky whispered the last bit to himself but both Stevie and Benji heard it "we love you too"

They spent the day together having fun until they left the apartment to get to the Expo by 7. Getting in Benji bought Steve some sweets jut like he always does known about Steve's sweet tooth. The three of them made their way to the front to see Howard Stark come on stage "Ladies and gentleman I'm about to show you the first car that will no longer use wheels to drive but will hover along above the road." He pushed a lever and the car floated for a few minutes before going bang and it then fell to the floor. As Howard was trying to fix it Benji was the only one to notice Steve walking over to the soldier poster in a glass window, "you really want to go don't you" he asked softly knowing his little brother has always dreamed of becoming a soldier "ya it's not fair you and Bucky will most likely get shipped out but I wont even though I have as much right as yous do" Steve said shaking his head. "I know Stevie, I know" Benji soothed him pulling him into a hug.

What both boys didn't know was that a scientist was watching the scene unfold with on thought on his mind 'this is the one' while he smiled and walked away. They were about to go find Bucky but they saw him with some dame which wasn't an odd sight so they just left him to it and bought some more sweets and left the Expo and sat outside laughing. They sat there for about another hour and a half before Benji saw Steve start to shiver "come on let's go home I'll put a note on Bucky's door when we pass" he said and helped Steve up and put his arm over his shoulder to keep him warm. Walking home Benji wedged a note in the side of Bucky's door and him and Steve made their way home, when they got home they got changed and went to bed with Steve on Benji's chest to keep warm. Benji kissed his head and they both fell asleep.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Bucky got home he saw a piece of paper wedged in his door and took it out and read it:

Bucky, we left the Expo and went home we were going to ask you if you wanted to come but we saw you were with some dame and left you to it hope you had fun because me and Stevie did happy birthday little brother, Love the obviously better looking twin your brother Benji. PS we're with you till the end of the line brother.

Bucky felt a bit guilty for leaving his brothers for some dame, but knew his brothers weren't upset with him so he went to bed and fell asleep, not before whispering "I'm with you till the end of the line too brothers".

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