Steve's transformation

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(A/N-Sorry this chapter might be a bit short)

Over the first few months Steve tried again and again to get shipped but he got denied each time but that didn't stop him he just tried again and again. Steve really missed Benji and Bucky and every time he was upset he had to keep reminding himself that he couldn't go to Benji and curl up on his lap to calm down while he told his brother what was wrong and Benji making it all better, because he wasn't here. And he would tell himself Bucky's not going to walk through the door to come see him and Benji on the daily bases because he wasn't here either and his ma was always working so ninety five percent of the time he was alone. Benji had stocked up on Stevie's medication and Steve was grateful for that. He only got sick three times so far.

He tried getting shipped one last time and he expected it to come back refusing him once again but this time he got accepted saying to go to the training camp written at the bottom and see Agent Carter to find out what he was supposed to do. Steve was ecstatic and told his ma that night at tea, she was happy for her son but also scared for him what with his small build and how fragile he was.

A few days later he was training when Agent Carter came up to him with a scientist asking him to come with them. Not knowing what was wrong he went with them and they lead him into some sort of experiment room with a case for a human to stand in. "what wrong Agent Carter" He asked confused "this scientist want's to try a new serum he has made called The Super Soldier serum and wanted to know if you wanted to try it" she said and gave him a gentle smile, Steve just nodded his head and got in the capsule and the scientist closed the door. "are you ready Steven" the scientist asked "I guess its two late to ask for the bathroom hu" he joke and the scientist nodded towards Stark to start the machine "starting at 10 percent" Stark shouted "20.. 30... 40.... 50 percent" he yelled as he cranked up the dial "60.... 70.... 80" by now Steve was starting to scream and Peggy got scared "turn it off stop it" she shouted in a panic "no keep going, I can do this" Steve screamed out determined. "90 percent... 100" as soon as Stark said that the capsule blew out smoke and opened and there stood Steve, he was no longer skinny, fragile and small but tall and muscled up with sweat all over him.

Stepping out Steve smiled and looked in the mirror at his new body pleased. "I take it, it worked then" he laughed the scientist, Agent Carter and Stark all smiled and chuckled at him. "now Steve we can get you into a division as captain the division will be the 107th division what do you think" Agent Carter said and Steve looked at her and nodded "that sounds great Agent Carter thank you" "your welcome Captain Rogers you will leave tomorrow" she said as they walked out. That night Steve went to sleep pleased and looking forward to the next day he would finally see his brothers again.

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