Taken twins

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After a few months Steve has gotten the nickname Captain America because he has been doing a great job so far and the twins are really proud of their brother and what he has accomplished.

They were all talking about what the next plan of action will be when the officer came funning up to them telling them they need to go now and that there was an attack going on with the Nazi's.

So gearing up Steve lead the Howling Commandos into yet another battle, the fight lasted about three and a half hours and near the very end Benji saw Bucky get taken by a Hydra agent he was about to go help him.

When he too was knocked unconscious.

When Steve got back to camp he noticed his brothers were missing and he knows their not dead because non of his teammates died he also notices Dum Dum isn't there either and starts to panic. He starts planning and talking with the rest of the team about what's gonna happen.


When Benji woke up he felt different and when he looked around he came to the conclusion that he wasn't back at the camp but strapped to a steel table. He began to shout for help but after a few minutes and when no one came he knew he was alone. But then he remembered what happened before he blacked out.


He has to find him, but he couldn't move he tried he really did but nothing worked all he could think about was both his little brothers and he felt hopeless, because here he was strapped to a table and anything could be happening to Bucky.

And Steve. Steve, he is either panicking or blaming himself or both while trying to figure out how to get everyone back. If they even can.

Its not that he doesn't have faith in Steve because he does, one hundred percent he just doesn't want Steve risking his life to save his. He feels like he's failed both his brothers he was supposed to protect them and he couldn't even do that.

Bucky felt numb when he woke up and he thought he was dead for a second. He tried shouting for help but his throat was dry, god he hopes Steve and Benji are trying to find him because he doesn't know where the hell he is.

All he remembers is fighting against some Hydra agents then he blacked out and woke up here. Another reason he hopes to get out of here is because he promised his brothers 'till the end of the line' and he'll be damned if they think this will be the end of the line.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream and he knows that voice anywhere.

That was BENJI!.

He heard the door open and some people came in, he doesn't remember what happened after that, but if felt like torture, he honestly thought he was gonna die right then and there.

And then after what felt like hours, from the extreme pain he was in, he passed out.

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