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It has been weeks, long stressful and sickening weeks for Steve. But it has been long and torturous and pain filled weeks For the twins that they are begging for death now. Steve didn't know what to do other than plan and try and get leads but they all lead to nowhere, he felt useless and stupid because he should have figured this out by now. All he wants to do is curl up on Benji's lap and forget for a bit while Benji plays with his hair to calm him down.

He misses Bucky aswell, honestly he really just misses both his older brothers and so that pushes him to find them before it's to late. He was stressing, starting to give up hope, that was till he got the most promising and biggest lead he has ever gotten this whole time. Maybe hope is still in reach, smiling he got the commandos ready.


At this point Benji didn't think being rescued was possible and was ready to greet death with open arms. Week upon week he has been tortured with everything imaginable and has heard Bucky's agonising pain filled screams and has not been able to do anything except listen helplessly. He hopes Steve gets to Bucky first if the are rescued because he doesn't mind dying knowing his brothers are safe and out of this prison.

He has just been tortured again for information on the commandos, it's part of the daily routine but he didn't say anything because it's his job to protect his Stevie and Bucky aswell as the others. He was mumbling his name and his army credentials, when he heard a familiar voice say his name.


Bucky didn't want to die this way he wanted to die from old age or on the front line on the battle field with a clean shot to the head, not here filled with pain and be miserable but it looks like this is it. He has just been tortured for information same as every other day it was like clockwork. But he didn't give in, he didn't budge or slip up he held strong and refused not caring how much pain they put him through.

Bucky hasn't given up hope even though he thinks he should, but he can't because he believes in Steve. He knows Steve and he knows that he will do anything to get them out of this place and back to the camp and into battle in no time. He has been sitting here just like every other time after the torture session, with his eyes closed repeating his name and credentials over and over again to himself so he doesn't forget them it also helps him stay sane. He was cut out of his remembering though when someone unclasped his restraints and freed him from his table. And said they've come to save him.


Steve had set out on his quad bike with the Commandos in the SUV's and tanks. They were following behind him going at a slower speed, so they can take out agents from afar to lessen them upon there arrival at the base. Steve only had one thing on his mind and that was getting his brothers back he didn't care how long or what it took to get them back, he was getting them back today. Back to him. He was so focused on getting there and his brothers he didn't realise how fast he was going and that he was so close to the base he could see it in the distance that was coming closer with each passing second. 'We got here faster than i thought we would' he thought.

Quickly getting of his bike, he took out the remaining guards that were on the outside out with a couple of bullets to the head. Walking in, he did it with so much stealth you wouldn't even know he was in. Starting on the first floor he found nothing but empty rooms and uniforms aswell as weapons and radios. This happened for another three floors down, making his way down the stairs to clear the last two floors he walked along the corridor to the one room that had its door closed. He kicked it down and found Dum Dum, the soldier he was with got Dum Dum and Steve told him him to get out while he checks the last floor cause so far he hasn't found either of his brothers and has a hunch they are on the bottom floor. Nodding the soldiers left while Steve went down to the last floor and checked every door because they were all closed.

Getting to the two last doors Steve was holding on to all the hope he had left praying his brothers were behind them. Cause all the rooms down here were cells and experiment cells. Knocking down the first door he found Bucky strapped to the table mumbling "Barnes, James Buchanan, 32557038 Sergeant", Steve didn't understand what he was saying until he got a little bit closer when he realised Bucky was stating his name and credentials as if he were reminding himself. "Hey Buck, it's me Steve, let me unbuckle you" Steve said quietly as he undid the straps that held Bucky down. "Steve, STEVE" Bucky said unbelievingly as Steve helped him up, "Do you know where Benji is Buck" he asked as he lead Bucky out of the room, "yeah he's in there" Bucky pointed to the last door of the corridor. Nodding Steve took the door of it's hinges to see his brother chained down to the table, he looked worse than Bucky. "What did they do to you Benji" he whispered to himself thinking Benji couldn't here him "experiments" was his reply.

Steve whipped his head up to look at his brother in shock 'how could he say that as if it was normal' he thought, but then knowing where they were it is normal to most likely get tested on and tortured. Helping him stand up and out the room he realised the only exit that was probably safest was on the other side of the building so he headed in that direction with his brothers beside him helping navigate their way around the corridors. As they were getting closer to the exit they noticed there was a massive fire below and the only way across was over a metal beam which was about 50ft above. "yous go first then I'll go" Benji told them, they were about to protest but one look from their brother had them nodding.

Bucky went first, trying to balance and not make any sudden movements that could cause the beam to slip. Then it was Steve who managed to get across faster than Bucky but was equally as cautious. Benji was about to go, when the beam fell down into the fire below "GO!!, GET OUT OF HERE!!" he screamed to the others on the other side. "NO NOT WITHOUT YOU!" both brothers shouted fiercely, but Benji could see the lingering fear in both pairs of eyes looking at him. Nodding he stepped back a few and ran up and jumped making it across.

They left quickly and jumped on Steve's bike to head back to the camp. The ride was not long, making it back with in an hour they got of the bike and walked up to the camp guns in hand with Steve, Bucky and Benji leading them. Everyone surrounded them cheering upon their arrival back in one piece, "lets hear it for Captain America" Bucky shouted, which had everyone cheering and clapping even louder and Benji couldn't help but feel both proud and annoyed. Proud with all Steve had accomplished in his short time and annoyed by the fact this is what Steve had to do to finally get recognised, and the fact that it's not Steve they are noticing but Captain America. But he smiled and clapped for his brother.

The Barnes Twins (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now