The fall, the crash and 'deaths'

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It had been about a month and a half since the twins were rescued from the hydra base. Bucky got nightmares from it so Benji took to having Bucky sleeping in his tent with him and it kept the nightmares away. Steve took to sleeping in Benji's tent most nights as well so he could sleep properly without panicking thinking they were still missing. Of course Benji didn't mind this he loved his brothers and if sleeping near him meant they were okay he would gladly keep them near him. But the mission they were about to go on would not prepare them for they nightmare that would follow for the three of them.


Steve, Benji and Bucky were going over some plans because they just got a tip on a hydra cargo train heading north that they plan to intercept.

Benji was looking over the maps when he noticed something while he was also doing some calculations in his head. "Hey Steve, Bucky come have a look at this please" he called over to his brothers. They looked up from what they were doing and walked over to him. "What" Bucky asked, pointing to one of the mountains Benji explains

"Here there is a zip wire set up above the tracks if we time it properly we could get on the train without being seen" Steve had adopted a thoughtful expression on his face, that then turned into a smile "yeah I think that will work, we'll set off tomorrow at day break" he said "dawn, Steve dawn, not day break" Bucky teases.

They spent the rest of the day planning the safest ways and routes to go on for this mission to go smoothly. Coming towards night time Benji could see Steve and Bucky growing anxious, so he sat down on the ground and opened his arms. This grabbed both of the anxious boys' attention, that they practically threw themselves into their older brothers lap seeking comfort. Steve and Bucky could feel the anxiety in their stomach dissolve but not fully, Benji knew exactly what they needed and started to stroke their hair.

And that single movement calmed them instantly causing both boys to go limp, Benji knew that none of them would get any sleep if he didn't get them to tell him what was wrong spoke in a gentle and soft tone "Do you want to tell me what's wrong Stevie, Bucky?" Both Bucky and Steve looked at each other and Steve nodded his head at Bucky signalling that it was ok "we're scared because we don't want to lose you or each other and Steve feels like he shouldn't be feeling scared because he's Captain America I tried telling him that he fine with feeling scared but he doesn't believe me" Steve looked at his lap feeling embarrassed but Benji lifted his chin with his thumb and finger.

"Stevie just because your Captain America doesn't mean you should be embarrassed about feeling scared your my little brother both you and Bucky, you don't need to hide your emotions from me. I'm your safe place" he pressed a kiss to both his little brother's heads and held them close. Around ten minutes later they were out softly snoring so Benji carefully laid himself down keeping his hold on the two bodies cuddled up to his chest and fell asleep.


The next morning the three sleeping soldiers woke up, not prepared for what the day ahead would hold for them.

Looking over at his brothers Benji smiled he knew the day was gonna be different he could feel it in his bones, but he wasn't gonna worry Bucky or Steve they didn't need added stress. They were already stressing out about today.

"Let's get everyone rounded up then we will set off" Stevie said putting on his vest and helmet.
"Yeah okay I have to gather the maps now while you two put your boots on, I'll meet you with the others in 10 minutes" Bucky hollered walking in the direction of the tent where the maps were kept from last night.

"Stevie I want you to do your best today and not everyone might survive but I want you to not dwell on it, I want you keep fighting for them okay" Benji said gently pulling Steve into a hug, because he knew Steve, he knew he would blame himself for the rest of his life if someone were to die in battle. "I can't promise anything Benji but I can try" he said hugging his brother back.

They pulled away and went and rounded everyone up, and true to his word Bucky met up with them within 10 minutes, maps in hand ready. Taking the maps from Bucky Steve started to explain what they were to do on the mission, once everyone understood the departed for the snowy mountains where the train was to pass.

Standing at the top of the snowy mountain Bucky looked at Steve "this isn't payback for making you ride the rollercoaster at Coney Island" he asked and Steve being mischievous when he wants to be acted confused "and I threw up, now why would I do that" Benji couldn't help himself and laughed "sorry sorry my bad" he said covering up his laugh.

They saw the train coming and went down the zip wire landing on the cargo train. The howling commandos made their way through the cart fighting off soldiers when Benji and Bucky were thrown back out an opening. Grabbing onto the metal handle they were both dangling, Steve saw and came over reaching down "grab my hand please grab my hand" Bucky tried but it was no use he couldn't reach.

The train jerked and the metal pole snapped off taking the twins plummeting into the snowy mountain floor 1000ft below "ahhhh" was all that was heard. Steve was left crying holding onto the train wall wishing it was him and not his brothers.
2 days later:

Steve was sitting in a bar drinking trying to get the images of Benji and Bucky's death out his mind when Peggy walked in and over to him. "It's not your fault" Steve knew she meant well but he can't see it like that "how is it not my fault Peggy when all my life Benji has protected me even if it meant putting himself in danger, always made sure me and Bucky after he met him had everything we needed looked after us when we were ill even if he was exhausted. And the one time he needed saving I couldn't even save him" Peggy didn't know what to say to that. Steve got up and left the bar going back to the site and went to bed.

A few days later:

The mission was supposed to be simple but everything in Steve's life seems to be going downhill since the twins' death. Here he is flying a plane into the Atlantic Ocean with Peggy on the radio begging him not to do it.

"Sorry Peggy but it's the only way" and with that the radio lost signal and cut off. "I promised till the end of the line and I've already missed my stop I'll see you in a minute benj, buck" was the last thing he said before the plane crashed into the ice.

Steve got frozen with a smile on his face thinking he died and would be reunited with his brothers again.

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