Meeting again

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Benji and Steve have been walking around the streets for ages looking for something to do when Benji got an idea. He knew Steve loved to draw and he had some money that he has saved up since he was little and he had quite a bit of it aswell, always finding money of any amount and put it in a shoe box his ma kept and now he has a lot so he took some to buy him and Stevie food while they were out and a bit extra just in case. He turned to Steve and took his hand while telling him to "wait out here I need to get you something" Steve tried to protest because Benji was always buying him little things but he never bought anything for himself and whenever Steve tried to refuse or protest he would always say 'just think of it a late or early birthday or Christmas gift' or 'take it I want you to have it'. So here Steve was now waiting on the corner for his brother to come out of the shop, when he heard someone shout for help and being to stubborn and wanting to do the right thing he went to see what it was.

When he looked down the alleyway he saw a boy trying to kiss a girl he had backed up into a corner. "Leave her alone" he shouted giving the girl enough time to run away, but that caused the boy to advance on him. But did Steve back down giving the boy was twice his size? No he did not he kept on getting back up even though he didn't get a single hit in. "You just don't know when to give up do you" the boy snarled, Steve just shook his head and said "I can do this all day" the boy was about to throw another punch but someone grabbed his hand and punched him and the boy went running.

Steve looked up at the person who helped him and he thought it was his brother but this boy was a little bit shorter than his brother. The boy offered his hand and Steve took it "what's your name" the boy asked "Steve Rogers what's yours" he answered "James Barnes" the boy now known as James said. "you got a middle name because you don't look like a James" Steve questioned, James nodded "Buchanan" "can I call you Bucky" he asked "sure" James nodded.


Benji had just come out of the shop with Stevie's stuff, but when he came out the shop he couldn't find his little brother anywhere which means he has to go on a Steve hunt to most likely find him in an alleyway which always scares him in case he is to late and he finds Stevie dead something he hopes never happens.

walking down the street looking in every alleyway he can't find him anywhere. He turns to look down one alleyway to see his brother and another boy down an alleyway and he caught a glimpse of their conversation where the boy told Steve his name, and that's when Benji realises this is his younger twin talking to Stevie.

Walking in the alleyway he says "Stevie I told you to stay outside the shop" this caught their attention "I did but then I heard someone shout for help so I came here to find a boy having backed a girl into the wall trying to kiss her I had to do something" Steve defends himself. Benji just shakes his head and looked at Steve's face for any injuries, not finding any he turns his head to the boy next to his little brother. "little brother good to meet you" he announces Bucky and Steve's eyes bulge out "w-what" Bucky stutters out "I heard you announce your name to Stevie but I will tell you mine in case you don't already know. Peter Benjamin Barnes adopted brother of Steve but everyone calls me Benji" he explains. He turns to Steve "look in the bag your gift is in there" Steve doesn't wait to be told twice he opens the bag and gasps "please tell me you did not buy what I think you did or are my eyes playing tricks" he whisper-yells at Benji "of course I did you have been eyeing them up since they came out plus think of all the things you can draw with your colour options now" he said, Steve just ran and hugged him thanking him over and over again. pulling back Benji let go of Steve an went of to Bucky looking him up and down "I am so the better looking twin" he concludes laughing, Bucky laughs a watery laugh Benji just pulls Bucky into a hug "You ever need anything or talk about anything or just want to see me, you come straight to me the same as I've told Stevie yous are my little brothers I'll be here for you from now on now that I've got you and I think you made a new friend today in Stevie" he whispered in Bucky's ear, he pulled back and kissed him on the forehead.

Bucky just looked at him nodding while wiping his eyes. "what do you enjoy doing" Benji asked. "Science and robots why" Bucky questioned even Steve looked at Benji with a confused face, "well you and Stevie follow me and find out" he said they both nodded and followed him. They got to a toy shop "wait here with Stevie please, and Stevie please don't move" Steve huffed but nodded and Benji disappeared into the shop.

"Do you know why he brought us here Stevie" Bucky asked turning to Steve. "Knowing Benji he is getting you a gift and before you start to protest just let it happen because you get the gift either way" Steve told him, Bucky just nodded. Not even 2minutes later Benji came out the shop with a bag, he handed it over to Bucky "consider it a late birthday gift" he told him, Bucky looked in the bag to find a robot building kit. Whipping his head up to meet Benji he just hugged his twin and thanked him over and over again. Benji just hugged him back and brought Steve into the hug and kissed both their foreheads.

This was the start of many adventures with the 3 of them.

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