Being a big brother

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When Steve was born Peter got to hold him and became very protective over him. It took his parents ages for him to let go of Steve, eventually he let go but stayed extra close to him. He smiled up at Sarah and slurred out a "tank 'oo" While pointing to a baby Steve Sarah just smiled and held both her children close.

Over the next few years they became inseparable to one an other, always protecting each other. Steve always went to Peter for help or when he had a nightmare knowing his big brother would keep him safe, and keep him safe he did. Whenever Steve was ill Peter would take care of him and get his medicine knowing exactly what to do with it and Steve was always so grateful to have Peter. When they were around 3 and 4 Steve started to call Peter 'Benji' because apparently he didn't look like a Peter and he was fine with it and started calling him 'Stevie' as a nickname. (A/N- Peter will be going by Benji now)

One day Benji was walking back from getting milk from the shop and hears someone fighting in an alleyway and went to see who it was. And as soon as he saw it was Steve he scared the bullies off and pulled Steve into his lap checking his wounds. Even though he only had a busted lip Steve turned to his brother and said "Benji I'm fine don't worry I had 'em on ropes" that just cause Benji to laugh and sling his arm around his brother and walk home. When they got home Sarah was making lunch in the kitchen so they walked in talking and laughing, Benji turned to Sarah and handed her the milk while saying "here ya go ma" she just smiled and kissed both their foreheads and told them lunch was almost done. She loved both her boys and was always amazed to see that Benji hadn't grown out of his protective nature towards Steve.

While Steve has Benji and Benji has Steve he can't shake the feeling that he was missing something important so he opted to ask his mother while Steve was eating.

Walking outside to where Sarah was hanging up washing he asked her if they could speak. Nodding her head Benji just said "ma can you tell me where I really came from because I don't look like you or pops" Sarah just sighed and looked at him while she told him "When you were only a couple days old we adopted you from an orphanage and when we took you to the doctors they told us that you have a twin and the doctor who was supposed to fill out your paper work when you were born got them mixed up and told your real parents you weren't going to make it so they put you up for adoption. But when we adopted you we never changed your last name so its still your birth name Barnes but to us you will always be a rogers" by the end of her explanation she had tears in her eyes thinking he will hate her for not telling him, but Benji just hugged her and kissed her cheek whispering a quiet 'thank you'. But when he turned around he saw Steve standing there with wide eyes and when he saw Benji looking at him he ran to his room with the other hot on his tail.

Knocking on the door Benji opened it to find Steve sitting on his bed crying and without a second thought Benji was over comforting his little brother. "why did you not tell me" Steve cried "because I didn't know till just then I only had suspicions" he said while rocking Steve back and forth after he climbed in his lap. "Does this mean you don't want to be my brother anymore" Steve forced himself to ask fearing the worst. " You listen to me now Stevie we may not share the same blood but your my brother and I love you that's the truth. You are my little brother no matter if I'm adopted or not never EVER doubt that, you come to me if you need anything big or small I will always be here for you no matter what. It's always been you and me, it's you and me now and it's gonna be you and me forever. Your Stevie and I'm Benji just like it's always been" he said while stroking Steve's cheek and kissed his forehead while pulling him into a bear hug still rocking back and forth. Steve just snuggled into Benji "your my best friend and brother Benji I love you" he whispered Benji smiled and said "your mine too Stevie and I love you too". He turned his head and saw his ma standing at the door with a smile on her face, he smiled back at her while laying on his back with Stevie on his chest asleep like normal he closed his eyes to go to sleep but not before pressing one more kiss to Steve's head.

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