reunited on the battle field

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Buck and Benji were talking to their teammates when there officer came over and said "we have an agent coming to us now with your new Captain, they should be here in an hour" and left. Everyone looked at each other confused at who the new Captain will be. Benji and Bucky were also confused already because they haven't had a letter from Steve in months and Benji keeps thinking Steve has died due to either being sick or got into another fight and didn't make it.

It was about an hour later when they saw an agent walking up to them when they noticed it was Agent Carter "hello soldiers your new Captain is currently talking to your officer at the moment, but you are to treat him with respect like you do your teammates am I clear" she got a choruses of 'yes ma'ams' and 'yes Agent Carter' she smiled and walked away towards where the Officers tent is. About five minutes later they saw a soldier leave the tent and up to them, "if you are who we think you are you have 2minutes to explain yourself or we swear to god we will drag your ass back to Brooklyn by your ear" Benji and Bucky said together in a very calm and scary tone causing the figure to try and back away and their teammates to start shouting at them. "Steven Grant Rogers you stay exactly were you are and don't even try to move" Benji said and stalked up to Steve, picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and motion to Bucky to follow him.

Getting a safe distance away Benji put Steve down and crossed his arms, Steve just smiled sheepishly while finding the ground very interesting all of a sudden "well explain what all this is about Stevie" he said and Steve just looked at him "you know I've always wanted to join the army so after you left I kept signing up but always kept getting refused until one day when they accepted and told me to meet Agent Carter to start training, while training one day she told me to follow her and so I did she took me to a scientist who had made a new serum called The Super Soldier serum and asked me if I wanted to try it and this was the results and now we are here" he explained "so your telling me you got yourself experimented on" Benji asked and Steve nodded he just sighed and pulled him into a hug and put his chin on Steve's head "comon Buck this is a brother reunion hug and your our brother" Benji told Bucky while looking at him with his other arm open and Bucky joined the hug. "so I take it this means you wont want to curl up on my lap no more seen as you grew as well" he asked, both Steve and Bucky looked at him like he had grown a second head "my place on your lap is reserved for me and me only" they both exclaimed they all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "ok ok so you still like lap cuddles then so that hasn't changed for both of you" he said while ruffling their hairs.

Walking back over to the group with his arm slung over Steve's shoulder while talking to his brothers again. "how do you three know each other" a soldier called Dum Dum asked "This is our little brother Steve although he's not so little anymore" Benji told them and they all nodded and welcomed Steve like an old friend. Around an hour later Steve asked Benji and Bucky if they could talk in his tent smiling he got up with Bucky and followed Stevie to his tent "ye Stevie what's wrong" Benji said softly, Steve climb into his lap before starting "um well I'm-I'm gay I-I like boys I'm so-sorry" he started crying softly into Benji's neck "hey hey no need for tears so what if your gay Stevie your still my little Stevie that likes to cuddle on my lap when upset and who likes to stand up for what he believes in and you don't ever have to be sorry for being who you are always remember we may not share the same blood but your my brother and I love you that's the truth" Benji told him softly while playing with his hair and rocking back and forth to calm him down. Looking over to Bucky he see's he has tears in his eyes "hey what's wrong Bucky come here your space is here come tell me what's wrong" he says as he pulls Bucky onto his lap aswell "you really don't mind people being gay like you don't think it's an illness" Bucky whispers "no god no if you gay your gay you can't change who your meant to be and I couldn't care less if you or Stevie are gay your my little brother's who like to curl up on my lap when your upset or just want to feel safe I wont ever judge you always remember that ok always come to me always don't ever be ashamed or embarrassed I will listen" he whispered into their ears and kissed their foreheads while rubbing Bucky's back still rocking back and forth.

"Bucky are you gay" he asked softly to which Bucky nodded into his neck "I am so proud of you two you know that right I'm so proud, if it makes you feel any better I'm gay too" this caused them to snap their head up and stare at him with wide eyes "really" they both asked he just nodded his head and pulled them both close "comon let's go to sleep long day tomorrow" after that they all went to sleep in Steve's tent with smiles on their face's in their sleep.

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