Leaving for war

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It was only 8:30 in the morning and both Steve and Benji had been awake since 7 and were currently sitting in the living room with Steve curled up on Benji's lap not wanting to let go. It had been about a week since Benji got a letter in the mail with his shipment details and Steve did not take it well, he hasn't left Benji's side all week and slept in the same bed as him otherwise he would have panic attack thinking Benji had already gone. Usually Steve slept in his own bed unless he was ill or he was clinging to Benji when he's fell asleep on him then he would sleep in Benji's bed with him.

There was a knock at the door and Benji just shouted for them to come in knowing it was Bucky by the knock on the door. As soon as he came in he was over and cuddled on Benji's other side of his lap "you got your division papers yet" he asked Bucky "ye 107th, Sergeant Barnes, you" Bucky whispered "ye 107th, Sergeant Barnes, same as you literally" Benji chuckled and pulled both his little brothers close and sighed softly. He really wished he didn't have to leave because what if Stevie got into a fight and didn't make it or what if his ma couldn't take care of Stevie and he didn't make it, he was pulled out of his thoughts by Steve tapping him on the shoulder "what" he asked "I said what are you thinking about" Steve said with big blue eyes "just about you, Bucky and ma" he soothed him playing with his hair and rubbing Bucky's back to calm him down.

"I don't want yous to go" Steve whispered as the three of them walked around the streets for their last day together. "I know Stevie, but we'll be back home before you know it and you can cuddle up on my lap like always, plus I've promised yous both till the end of the line and when have I ever broken my promises" Benji reassured him "never" Steve smiled at him, Benji ruffled his hair and told him to get on his back so that where Stevie is now on Benji's back while Benji had his arm wrapped around Bucky's shoulder.

When they got home Steve was asleep on Benji's back while Bucky was slowly falling asleep standing up so he lead them to the bedroom and put Steve in his bed and Bucky in Steve's and kissed his forehead goodnight. When he got into his own bed Steve was already curled up into his side and so Benji kissed his forehead goodnight and fell asleep.

In the morning Benji was up and making breakfast for his brothers because his ma had already left for work about an hour before. Putting the eggs and bacon on the plates he went into his room to wake Bucky and Stevie up "wake up yous two breakfast is on the table its eggs and bacon" he said as he walked up to Bucky and shook him awake. Bucky slowly opened his eyes and trudged to the table while Benji went over to coax Stevie awake "come on Stevie wake up I made breakfast eggs and bacon" Steve woke up and slowly walked to the table leaning into Benji to keep himself up in his tired haze.

After breakfast they decided to spend the day together until they had to leave which Steve was not looking forward to. First they played cards consisting of Benji wining 4 times and Steve 3 times and Buck once. That game had a lot of whining and complaints about Benji cheating curtesy of Steve whenever he lost and Bucky falling of his chair. Next for old times sake they played hide 'n seek which seemed to only accommodate Steve with his small build so it took them ages to find him every round. So the afternoon consisted of laughs and jokes until the dreaded time came where Steve would be left all alone while his brothers are risking their lives.

walking to where Benji and Bucky would be shipped off Benji had put Steve on his back so he didn't get tired. Getting there they had about ten minutes before they had to leave. Benji turned to Steve and said "don't do anything stupid until we get back" Steve just smiled sadly at them and forced out "how can I yous are taking all the stupid with yous" Benji hugged Steve tightly and kissed his forehead one last time until he came home. Bucky hugged Steve while whispering 'punk' which Steve replied with 'jerk'. They waved one last time and jokingly saluted to each other. And left.

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