The trip to Coney Island

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"Come on Benji we need to hurry so we can get Bucky so we can go" an excited Steve shouted while dragging Benji by the hand, he just laughed at his little brother and let it happen. Benji had promised to take his brothers to Coney Island after they had begged and begged him, they even had Steve pull his puppy dog eyes known he would cave straight away. So now here he is getting dragged to Bucky's to pick him up.

When they arrived at Bucky's he knocked on the door and waited, when it opened he was greeted by Mrs Barnes "hello Mrs Barnes is Bucky ready to go yet" he asked, she looked at him with wide eyes obviously haven't had seen him yet and nodded "Yes he's ready but who might you be young man" she asked wanting him to confirm her theory. "Peter Benjamin Barnes adopted brother to Steve Rogers but everyone calls me Benji ma'am" he tells her. Before she can say anything Bucky came barrelling next to the door "bye ma I'll see you tonight for tea" Bucky waved to her as he left. "Right now that your here let's get going and have fun" Benji said laughing at Steve and Bucky who are bouncing literally with excitement.

Getting on the train Benji had finally managed to get Steve and Bucky to calm down and sit still. He pulled out a deck of cards for them to play on the way there and he saw Steve's eyes light up when he saw the deck. He knows Steve has always loved playing cards with him, he never turned up a chance to play with him. He noticed Bucky's confused face at Steve's happy reaction to seeing the card so he explained "when me and Steve were little I used to and still do now carry around a deck of cards with me and I taught Stevie here how to play and he loved it and has never given up the opportunity to play, I can teach you too if you like" Bucky nodded so Benji dished out the cards out and showed Bucky how to play. They played about three rounds with Benji catching Bucky smiling big having fun. Stevie was radiating with happiness. Eventually the train stopped at Coney Island and the got off.

Walking pass security Benji was dragged by both of his little brothers to a gun game that they wanted him to win a teddy bear for them. He managed to win all three of them one with the three goes he got. Happy with the results they moved onto the rollercoaster Bucky made Stevie go on. Getting off Steve threw up in a trashcan and then leaned on Benji, but he just laughed and wrapped his arms around his brothers shoulders. The went on so many different games and rides having fun and bonding till it was dark and they decided to head home.

The train ride home was calm with both Steve and Bucky asleep on Benji's shoulders. Bucky had Benji's jumper on and Steve had Benji's coat on over his cause he said he was cold. When the train came to a stop Benji woke up his brothers and picked up Steve to carry him home with Bucky on his back because he could tell they were both really tired. He went to Bucky's first and knocked on the door and waited for it to open. When he did he was greeted by Mrs Barnes "Hello ma'am I'm here to drop of Bucky he fell asleep on the train ride back" he said while placing Bucky on the couch after he was told to come in. "thank you Benji did yous have fun" Mrs Barnes asked him "yes we did thank you ma'am" he said bye to her and left for his and Steve's, opening the door he greeted his ma and went to bed with Steve on his chest still fast asleep. He kissed his forehead goodnight and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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