Bucky's life growing up

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growing up Bucky didn't do to much but the feeling of missing someone grew constantly with every day so when he was about 5 he asked his ma if they could talk and she nodded so he just said "ma I always feel like I'm missing something like half of me is missing and it's constantly growing what is it" his ma just looked at him and sighed "when you were born you had a twin he was older than you and when the doctor came back in the room he said he wasn't going to make it so we put him up for adoption while we took you home he was called Peter Benjamin Barnes and yous looked identical when you were born so that could be why you feel like half of you is missing I'm sorry James" she said. He just looked at his ma with wide eyes and just left the room and ran to his room to cry.

'I was a twin and because they thought he wouldn't make it they just tossed him away like he was nothing' 'what if he's still alive and doesn't know about me' were the thoughts swirling around his head constantly for the rest of the night. 'Well now I know why I feel like half of me is missing' was the last thought he had before he fell asleep that night.

After that day whenever it was Bucky's birthday he would always cut a piece of cake for his older brother even though he's not there it makes Bucky feel better and less alone. His parents always asked why he did this but he never told them because he couldn't forgive them for doing that to his brother and on his birthday to him that was their day for him and his twin he never got to meet because of them.

He can only remember the protectiveness he felt once and he is pretty sure the reason he felt protected is because of his twin and that was when they were born, he can remember that he only felt that for only a little while then it was gone with the warm feeling and that's when he started feeling like half of him was missing.

When he was 7 that's when his life took a turn for the better.

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