Benji's scare

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Benji was buying Stevie's meds when Bucky came running into the shop with a panicked look. "Benji come quick it's Steve" that's all it took for Benji to grab the meds, leave the money on the counter and sprint back to him with Bucky. Running into his room because that's where Steve goes every time he's ill, he saw Stevie lying there chest barely moving, getting over to the bed he pulled Stevie into his lap cradling him like a baby he helped Steve swallow his meds by rubbing his throat to help them go down. Rocking back and forth just like Steve likes it he mumbled "come on Stevie I'm right here open your eyes I'm here, Bucky's here to Come on you can't leave me now your my little brother and I love you that's the truth" looking up he can see that Bucky has tears in his eyes so Benji beckoned him over and Bucky curls up on his lap on the other side.

It took 5minutes for Steve to come round, but that was the longest 5minutes of Benji and Bucky's life. wrapping his arms around both of them Benji rocked back and forth which he found out Bucky liked and held them close, kissing both their heads he pulled back and brushed the hair out of their faces and pulled them back into his chest. "never scare me like that again Stevie I don't know what I would do without you, your my little brother and best friend" he said looking into Steve's eyes, Steve just nodded and snuggled back into Benji's chest so Benji turned to Bucky who pulled back and looked at him. "never let me find you like this ok you and Stevie mean the world to me ok, we may not have known each other that long but I can say this us three are brothers whether you like it or not both of yous are my little brothers it's my job to protect you just like I do Stevie never doubt that ok" he whispered since he noticed Steve fell asleep, he wiped Bucky's eyes and let him snuggle back into his chest.

Laying them both down Benji went into the kitchen and started dinner because his ma is at work since his pops died 3years ago. His ma worked in a hospital as a nurse, but even now she treats Bucky like her 3rd son after Benji and Steve told her about Bucky. He remembers telling her and her pulling them both into a hug as well as Bucky and told Bucky he is now part of the family. Since that day every time Sarah sees one of her sons she sees all three, never one without the others.

Coming out of his thoughts he takes the soup of the stove and puts it into three separate bowls and puts it on the table, his and Steve's in front of his because when Steve's ill he always sits on his lap just like he's been doing since he was a baby. Going into his room he wakes up both Bucky and Steve "come on dinners on the table Steve Bucky, it's chicken your favourite yous two" at the mention of chicken soup both eyes open and Bucky's out the room and at the table, but Steve is a lot more slower so Benji picks him up and Steve latches onto him like a koala resting his head on Benji's shoulder. Walking into the kitchen he sits in his chair at the table and turns Stevie around so he can wrap his arm around his waist. Looking up at Bucky he says "you ever fall sick I'll know and you will get the same treatment as Stevie here unless you tell me otherwise ok" Bucky just looks at him nodding his head looking grateful. Turning Stevie, Benji strokes his hair back while coaxing him awake "come on Stevie you can go back to sleep after having something to eat and taking your meds" Steve rubs his eyes opening them, Benji feeds him most of the soup and gives him his meds "ok you can go back to sleep you can stay in my lap or you can lay down in my bed which one" he gets his answer when Steve snuggles into him.

Finishing his soup he looks at Bucky "if you want you can stay here the night all you have to do is tell your ma" Bucky nods and leaves to tell his ma he's staying over. Benji stands up and goes to his room and puts Steve on his bed while he moves Steve's up next to his so Bucky can sleep next to him. It wasn't long before Bucky came back and they went to bed with both Bucky and Steve wrapped up in Benji's arms. And that's how Sarah found them when she got home all snuggled into Benji with smiles on their faces. She smiled and went to bed herself.

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