Chapter 4

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The initial chapter ended up being way too long, so I split it to make it work. 

I worked super hard on these chapters, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, comment as usual. You know I love you guys' comments!!!

Okay, that's it! I hope you all enjoy!!!!!!


Nikola's P.O.V

I was fourteen the first time I watched a star die.

I recognise that it sounds morbid, to purposefully watch something come to an end, but it wasn't from any malicious intent.

Back then, my magic was growing exponentially, faster than either of my parents knew what to do with, as was my progress at school, so naturally, a need to fill my time arrived.

I'd started with the stars in my universe, with Opal; that was the name I selected for her. 

I found her first through a telescope and then right there in person after I crafted a spell to keep me propelled in space long enough to watch her collapse.

I still remembered how it felt to watch the last of Opal's fuels burn out, moving and sparking in the telltale sign that she was about to collapse.

I thought I knew what to expect. I'd studied supernovas in school, but those teachings could not compare to what it was actually like to watch the colossal explosion take place right in front of you.

The experience took my soul out of my body.

Not from fear or excitement but the purely surreal experience of watching that cluster of gas come undone from the inside out, until it had no other choice but to spread its remains through the universe.

It was beautiful and awe-inspiring and just about the most incredible thing I'd ever experienced in my life.

What I felt in that moment was the closest thing I could ever compare in words to what it felt like to think of my mate.

Hagen was like a supernova in my mind. A rush of endorphins that threatened to send me to flames, to make me implode. 

Just the thought of him sent me hurdling, and right now, I was about to explode.

"Nikola!" Ma screams at the top of her lungs, "why is there lava in my living room?!"


Blinking free of the haze I'd fallen into, I take in the calamity that had sprouted during my mental absence.

Knots was hissing irritably at the darkness currently seeping into my room from its corners, moving like some ominous fog that caused all it passed over to crumble and decay. 

Luckily Knots was carrying enough dark magic to be safe, so the fog could wait. Lava in the living room could not.

I focus my mind - try to - to tamp down my earth magic before a volcano sprouted from the flooring, but my efforts are useless. 

Magic required concentration, and I couldn't currently achieve that because I was... nervous.

I wasn't usually a nervous person, quite the opposite actually, and yet, as my eyes found their way back to the watch on my wrist, I sensed I might be at risk of cardiac arrest.

9:32 pm.

Sparks erupt all around me before I can stop it, sprouting from nothing to send sections of my room aflame while Knots' inches slither by, searching for a place to hide.

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