Chapter 22

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A/N - if you haven't seen my notice, I'm really sorry this couldn't be a double update like I wanted. But I appreciate all the support and encouragement you guys have already given me.

This might not be two chapters, but it's long enough to be so I really hope you guys enjoy.

Remember to comment if you do❤️


Nikola's P.O.V

It would be wrong to prolong this.

If I were to ask anyone, I was sure they'd say it would be wrong to craft a spell that would slow time to a snail's pace so this moment could extend for as long as I could physically manage. It would be wrong.

I had to keep reminding myself of that; otherwise, I would do it.

And that would be... bad? — Neo finishes, the questioning tone making me frown slightly.

Yes — I reply firmly.

Right — Neo replies, but again it sounded uncertain.

I ignore him as I begrudgingly allow time to flow as it should, placating myself by swiping my thumb over Hagen's wrists to imprint my scent into the depths of his being.

Admittedly, there was no authentic reason to keep scenting him. I'd long since cemented my scent beneath his skin, enough that I'd be all over him— inside him, for weeks, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I didn't want to.

Which I determined was fine since I had started scenting him while he was still conscious, and though Hagen had blushed and avoided any eye contact, he hadn't told me to stop. With that silent authorisation, I'd locked his wrists in his lap and taken to scenting them to my heart's desire.

Hagen had melted against my chest like butter atop heat, making maddening little breathless sounds as his body relented, just as it was made to.

Truthfully, I'd thought that, eventually, he'd try to separate us, and that would be as much of him as I'd be gifted for the day, but he hadn't. Hagen had stayed slumped against me, so sated by my scent that it wasn't long before I heard his quiet snores.

Now, he was curled in my lap, perfectly pliant for me and so sorely tempting.

He fits perfectly — Neo whispers like a cartoon devil atop my shoulder. 'Devil' implies I'm trying to encourage you to do something terrible. I'm just stating a fact.

Sure. It was a "fact" that having Hagen felt like sliding two puzzle pieces together, but I already knew that. Neo stating the obvious only served to ignite the raw want I was trying to cull and he knew that.

I just think all this waiting is a waste of time — he replies matter-of-factly. We should already know what his cum tastes like.

Neo — I warn while I try to swat away the coarse memory of Hagen's tongue.

He's our mate. He wants us and we want him— need him. That leaves only taking him.

So you'd have him against his will? — I challenge, patience weaning.

I would never! — Neo growls, offended.

Hagen groans just a little, bringing our discourse to an immediate halt as a slight frown wrinkles the skin between his brows. I pass my thumb over the spot whilst I tighten my grip on his body, and within seconds, he relaxes and doses off again.

Then, we wait — I reply calmly to Neo. He said he needs time, so that's what we'll give him.

Yes, and look at him now! — Neo challenges in a barely contained growl — Yesterday he would've said this is too much, but now look at him!

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