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Hey humans,

Sorry that this isn't an update but following the last memory chapter, I felt like some things needed to be said before any other chapters were uploaded.

1) Nikola was not touching himself while Hagen was in the shower. Hagen was jerking off, Nikola was there and saw. As for why he was there, how long or whatever else you might be wondering, we find that out later in the book when the couple addresses it themselves.

2) It was wrong. Plain and simple, wrong. There's no excuse for what he did. Reason, maybe from his perspective, but there is no excuse. So don't even try to excuse it because that's fucked up.

I'm not saying you should stop liking Nikola as a character if you do. I still do because we've seen that he's recognised what he did when he was younger was fucked up and he changed, plus, obviously I know more about him, but you can like a character and admit/know when they've done something wrong.

3) Nikola's autism is not an excuse for every bad thing he does.

I'm so fucking sorry, but I just can't let people keep saying that Nikola does the things he does, only because he's autistic.

Yes, it does explain the way he thinks and some of his actions– where he does things without fully comprehending how it will make others feel.


I usually leave people alone to their own conclusions, but I feel like I have to say something here because I don't want any wrong representation or understanding of those on the spectrum.

Nikola being autistic explains many things about him, but it certainly does not excuse it.

4) Finally, this book is a dark romance. I don't think I emphasized that as much as I should've in my author's note, but yeah, it's dark.

This is not a romance like any of the ones I've written before. It's not just romance or conflict outside the relationship, it's a very layered and admittedly dark story with equally complex and skewed characters, given their shared history.

All the others had love at their core, and this one does too. But one way of looking at it, is that the love between the couple started so early that it rotted a little along the way. Hence things like what we saw in the last chapter.

So this can be a fair warning that if you want pure and sweet love like Damon and Will's or Jayson and Levi's, you won't get that in this book.

Hagen and Nikola will love hard and it'll be passionate and cute and overworking and amazing, I promise you that, but their history makes their foundations rougher than the others and that's something you'll either love or hate if you keep reading the book.

So yeah, that's all.

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