Chapter 6

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(a/n - I wrote the start of this extra to Am I High Rn by Quin XCII, the lyrics and the vibe of it suited Hagen to me - I'm only sharing for those who like music, you don't have to listen)


Hagen's P.O.V

I hardly remember the things I'd learned in high school; to be honest, it was just one big blur. But there was this one line that had sprouted up during English class while we were dissecting poems. For the life of me, I can't remember who said it, like even if my life were on the line, I wouldn't be able to say where it came from, but the line itself I never forgot.

'Everybody has a fatal flaw, it's the natural law.'

It was too simple to need much analysis, so my teacher had brushed right over it, but maybe that's why it stuck with me. I instantly knew my natural defect; the answer came embarrassingly quickly. 

I was naive.

Josey said I was optimistic, which she claimed was a great trait to have, but I knew the truth. I was a naive fool.

Letting my ball fly from my fingers, I watch it soar and stall for a moment before it returns to my palm. I keep tossing it up, repeating the motions I'd been stuck in for the last hour.

I was trying to keep my brain busy so that it didn't get a chance to circle back to thoughts of last night, the same painfully introspective thinkings that kept me from getting a wink of sleep. But in a matter of seconds, images of Nikola's small crooked smile were returning to the forefront of my mind.

Goddess, what the hell was last night?

Um, only the best night of our adult lives! - Zyair answers while he prances around in my head.

That's depressing as hell. It was also the truth.

In the weeks leading up to our date, I'd prepared myself for an evening made up of anger and arguments, not what was quite simply... the best night of my life.

How could it not be when he took me to another universe and showed me things I couldn't have ever imagined on my own? A world where there were two fucking moons and trees that looked like glow in the dark air balloons! Not to mention the surprisingly wonderful company...

It was still just as hard to read Nikola now as when we were kids.
The blank wall he kept on his face was still a frequent flyer, keeping all his thoughts and emotions hidden to my frustration, but his words had filled in the holes.

Nikola had always been honest, but last night, he'd been as open as I think he knew to be. Teasing, a little too smart for his own good and just nice. He'd been better than nice actually; he'd been...

Exceptional, sexy, charming, bottled perfection, respectful as fuck - Zyair babbles in a hungry purr that turns into a swoon - just an all-around gentleman with the sweetest words and most tempting lips!

No, Zyair - I reply with a grimace - I wasn't going to say any of that.


Nikola hadn't been the forceful dick I knew or the heartless prick who only saw his way to everything. Last night, I met a matured, apologetic version of that person, someone who wanted to do better.

"I promise I'll make up for it all, Hagen. I'll be good to you, better. I promise, on everything, on my love for you.

Chest swelling, I falter on my next throw as my heart does slightly-worrying, jumping jacks beneath my chest.

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