Chapter 17

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DISCLAIMER - This chapter was rewritten, you can find the rewritten version if you scroll to the next chapter. This is only up because I like comments, and can't bare to lose the original ones


Nikola's P.O.V

Hagen drooled. A lot.

It wasn't a surprise, per se. I knew he did it — I'd seen him drool all over himself numerous times over the years — but it was still indescribably disturbing to witness the shape of a troll's foot form on his shirt from his spit alone.

No, it wasn't exactly disturbing– that wasn't the word. It was disgusting, and witnessing it in close proximity made my spirit convulse with revulsion ... and yet, I was still here.

My mate was drooling like a newborn baby, and my heart was still staggering to do its job.

It was true then; this proved it — love knew no bounds.

Shifting slightly, I adjust the hand beneath my head as I watch Hagen sleep, all the while considering what today might bring.

I'd hoped that my first night with him would give me something more to work with, but the sad reality was that Hagen and I had not spent much time together yesterday.

Once the magic I'd had entwined within our bond dissolved, he'd promptly left me to 'get settled', and by the time I'd mustered the courage to seek him out myself, he'd been fast asleep under the covers.

Today would be better. I would make certain of it.

Groaning something intangible, Hagen derails my thoughts as he suddenly rolls over and slings his leg over his sacred pillow barrier. He wraps himself around it like a panda on bamboo, only to wiggle about as he simultaneously tries to bypass and snuggle it.

I watch the show with quiet amusement until Hagen eventually sighs tiredly and accepts defeat. He shuffles about a little more, this time solely in the pursuit of comfort, and finally settles, cuddling the pillows so closely that I can only spot glimpses of skin behind his tossed hair.

That wouldn't do.

Reaching over, I guide the fallen strands from his face, tucking it behind his ear instead so that I can see all of him; those curled lashes and full cheeks, his parted pink lips. I ignore the drool — for the sake of my mental health.

I'd only meant to do that, clear the strands away, but my fingers linger the moment I feel those electric sparks spread between us. I trace my fingertips across his skin, wanting and needing more, and to my amazement, Hagen relaxes under my touch, releasing a contended sigh that overwhelms me with pure joy.

"For someone who was so adamant about following the rules, you are trying your very best to break them, aren't you?"

Hagen huffs gently, leaning into my touch like he was starved for it. My lips stretch further as I study him, cataloguing his every breath.

Withdrawing now would be the smart thing to do— the right thing. My control over myself and my magic was irregular at best; it wasn't wise to test it.

I brush my knuckles over his cheeks instead.

Stifling the groan that tries to escape me, I relish in the way he melts under my touch, his muscles easing. It's almost as overwhelming as his scent, and when Hagen whines longingly, I almost turn the apartment into ash.

"Trouble," I whisper as I pull my hand back to my chest and keep it there. "You're going to get us in trouble."

Hagen's frown returns, but I don't make any attempts at expelling it. I just watch him, as I'd been doing all night.

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