Chapter 35

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This is the 2/2 of a Christmas Double Update so make sure you've read Chapter 34 first!!!!!!!


Nikola's P.O.V

I wasn't used to silence when I shared meals with my parents, so this silence was uncomfortable.

I knew that they were upset, but I couldn't pinpoint precisely why. It seemed to be for a number of reasons.

I was mostly confident that Ma was both angry on my behalf and angry with me. The latter I knew because when I'd updated her on the status of my relationship with Hagen, she'd yelled at me, a lot. The former I suspected, because when she looked at me, she looked so horribly sad. I was trying not to look at her any more.

Dad was upset with me; there was no question about that. If he felt sorry for me, he didn't show it, which I didn't blame him for. I hadn't asked or expected them to feel sorry for me. It was my own actions that led me here, so what could be done?

But the silence. I didn't like the silence.

It was horrible, and it felt wrong, which it had to be because it was a rift in our family, and that could never be right. But then again, maybe the silence has something to do with the pair sitting at the table with us.

"I'm just going to cut the shit," Aiden says as he drops his knife and fork and levels me with a cold stare. "What happened between you and our Hagen?"

All the eyes around the dining table shift to me expectantly, though I don't know why. I'd already made it clear that I wasn't going to answer any questions about Hagen and me no matter how many Heil-Calderons they added to this ambush, but Aiden carries on anyway.

"Hagen keeps saying that you guys just aren't in the best place right now, but he's miserable," he states and I can't help but perk a little. I didn't want Hagen to be miserable, but the fact that he felt miserable without me was, unfortunately, pleasing. Another unfortunate thing is that Aiden seems to spot my reaction, and his gaze turns into a sharp glare. "I don't know what you did, but we can all feel how it's affecting him through the family bond. Add to that the fact that your dad looks pissed and your mom like she ate shit, and it's clear that some shit went down. Now, they won't tell me to protect your privacy or some shit, and Hagen's lying through his teeth so, I'll ask again, what happened between you and Hagen?"

Perhaps if he were still my alpha, I'd feel inclined to answer, if only to appease his anger, but he wasn't my alpha, so I didn't. There was a minimal urge to satisfy him because he was Hagen's father, and the Heil-Calderons valued family above all, but I highly doubted the family would ever grow to hold any real fondness for me, especially not this pair.

"I'm not going to share any information about our relationship without Hagen here," I reply, repeating the very thing I'd already told them when they'd first arrived 'guns blazing'. "And even then, what Hagen chooses to tell you is what I will respect."

Honestly, I had no clue why Hagen hadn't already told his family about what had happened between us. He should've told them by now about my absence of the truth he labelled as lying and my selfish agenda, which was really more so a breaking point.

When I'd first returned to my home in the pack after everything had taken a turn for the worse, I'd expected to have just enough time to gather my things before their whole brood showed up to kick me out. I'd escape, of course, but I'd also been prepared to be hunted to a certain extent, but it'd never happened.

Days and weeks passed, and they were still mostly blind about our situation.

Damon had stopped our meetings in favour of being an impartial party for the time being since I wasn't spilling and neither was Hagen, but he didn't hate me. Levi was too far away to interfere and so was Peter. The only person who outright hated me was Josey, who I'd spotted outside my window on one occasion, silently swinging a cutlass from hand to hand.

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