Chapter 16

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Hagen's P.O.V

You know when it's the middle of the night, you're lying in bed, and you come up with all these 'amazing' ideas, and you tell yourself that in the morning, you're going to do each of them and turn your life around— even though you already know that by the time you wake up, you'll be too exhausted to do a damn thing?

Well, a few days ago, I had one of those so-called 'amazing' ideas and decided to see it through before I woke up the next day because... I guess I knew that if I waited until morning, I wouldn't do it. And now, the guy I'd been running from my whole life was moving in with me.

Way to go Hagen.

No, honestly. Way to go — Zyair praises, practically performing a cheer routine for me in my head. I have never been more proud of you than I am today.

Thank you? — I reply, slightly offended. This was it for Zyair? Really?

Yes! It is! — he answers way too quickly. Any minute now, they're going to be here and soon, our mate's scent is going to be all over this place, and you did that! You, Hagen!

Zyair clearly saw that as a good thing, while I on the other hand, was still trying to figure out how I felt about my incoming future.

I knew that I liked Nikola's earthy scent all over me, and I wasn't dumb enough to think I wouldn't absolutely love it in every corner of this place... but at the same time, having Nik so close... did things to me.

Like on Friday night. I'd gone over to insist that he let me feel our bond completely. I'd been determined to settle things right then and there, even if that meant being bound together from that very night. It'd taken being in his company for less than a minute before I'd backtracked and asked him to return with me to university instead.

As the sole subject of Nikola's gaze, I quickly realised that I needed extra time to prepare myself to be around him all the time, because that night, being around him as little as I was, had already started to fuck with my head.

When we were younger, I felt nothing but anger, but now... now when those sharp grey eyes focused on me, I became a puddle of goo.

I guess it made sense though. After all the time we'd spent together, texting all day and going on 'dates', I'd gotten comfortable around him. It didn't take long for my walls to turn to dust once we got close. But after what happened, with him keeping things from me, I'd thought that that would change things— or at least how comfortable I felt around him.

... Well, I'd been wrong about that. So very, very wrong. Because on Friday night, even as on edge as I'd been going there, somehow, I'd found myself biting back whimpers when he'd taken me firmly by my chin, his touch like heaven.

A shudder ripples through me as I recall the way the light blue and green tones in his grey eyes had blended, pleading to hold me captive for eternity.

It'd taken everything to pull away from his touch, but I'd had to— had to leave, especially after he'd whispered what I was choosing to call a full-blown threat.

Are you ready for what will happen when we're living together?

I'd basically run home following that, and even after all this time, I was no better for it.

Nikola would be here any minute now, and I was absolutely shitting bricks.

Ew, don't do that. We just finished cleaning!

Me. I just finished cleaning — I correct, because no matter how much I'd begged, Zyair hadn't lifted a finger to help. The Pillow Princess.

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