Chapter 17, Rewritten

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So, I know this will be confusing to a few of you because I just published Chapter 17, but I actually rewrote it the same night I published it.

Why, you might ask? Well, I always ask you guys to comment and leave your thoughts, and one of you lovely humans took the time to write a comment expressing disappointment by the end of the chapter because they felt like all the tension that was built up concerning mate awareness and the bond finally being open to both Hagen and Nikola in the previous chapters, kind of resulted to nothing.

And they were right. I did plan, and have shown how the unlocked bond has affected Hagen in chapter 18, where we see how he manages with new feelings and reactions to Nikola, but I missed one big thing.
In previous chapters, we saw how Nikola struggled every second just being close to Hagen when they were on dates and stuff, and yet, now that they moved in together and they were basically locked in the same space, he was just fine?? That just doesn't add up.

In this chapter, Nikola definitely should be struggling more because he's living in Hagen's space, especially with the new boundaries Hagen set between them, and I missed that completely when I wrote the first version.

So I rewrote the chapter, and here it is!

The original will remain up still because there are loadssss of comments on it and you guys know how I feel about comments. They are my fucking babies! But this is basically the version that applies to the storyline going forward, so definitely read cause there are lots of tweaks and some spicy additions.

So yeah, that's the end of my ted talk.

Thank you all for listening, and thank you for commenting when you do, because I do read all your comments even if I can't reply to them all, so thank you for sharing your thoughts because sometimes, they can result in better things like this!

Now, enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment 🤣!


Nikola's P.O.V

Hagen drooled. A lot.

It wasn't a surprise, per se. I knew he did it — I'd seen him drool all over himself numerous times over the years — but it was still indescribably disturbing to witness the shape of a troll's foot form on his shirt from his spit alone.

No, it wasn't exactly disturbing– that wasn't the word. It was disgusting, and witnessing it in close proximity made my spirit convulse with revulsion ... and yet, I was still here.

My mate was drooling like a newborn baby, and my heart was still staggering to do its job.

It was true then; this proved it — love knew no bounds.

Shifting slightly, I adjust the hand beneath my head as I watch Hagen sleep.

Hagen was a very serene sleeper. The complete opposite of his usual roving nature during his waking hours.
He had barely moved throughout the night and was still now. Only his eyelids moved, shifting with the faintest hint of motion beneath them.
He must've been dreaming now, but I didn't think it was a frightening dream because his breaths remained long and deep.

In the quiet, I align my intake with his until we're breathing together.

His cheeks were full, like he'd stuffed a cookie between his lips when I'd dared to blink. Those lips... pink and plump, and so effortlessly tempting... I ignore the drool — for my mental health.

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