Chapter 33

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Hagen's POV

I open my eyes and know in an instant that I got shit-faced last night. That, and I had most likely thrown up at some point near the end which, A+ Past Hagen— you saved me from a brutal hangover.

With everything both horribly close and a world away, I glance around what little I can see and instantly frown at the sight of my bedroom.

Goddess, just how shit-faced had I been to end up here?

Very — Zyair answers, pointedly raising his voice to trigger a pounding within my skull. The next time you pick up the bottle, I swear to my bright and beautiful Goddess, I will strip naked and run down the streets.

No need to pull out the nuclear — I groan as I try to stretch only to find myself immobile because apparently, my limbs were still waking up. I haven't been that bad.

You...— He cuts himself off with a huff. You've been on a rampage, but thankfully I suspect that will be put to an end soon.

I frown, way too tired to decipher that one and not at all inclined to try, but then something shifts behind me, and the mystery is unravelled for me.

Body perfectly still, I tilt my head over my shoulder until my eyes catch dark curls, long lashes over closed eyes and a familiar face I wanted to rip from existence. My heart stops, jerks and then beats faster as if for him, but the immediate anger that rises squashes that fluttering feeling before I have to.

I shove from his embrace because I wasn't just sleepy, he was the one holding me down like some weighted blanket. He startles, jerking upright, but sleepiness makes him slow, too slow to react when I twist and shove him from my bed. I scramble to the other side of it, feeling nauseous for an entirely new reason as Nikola slowly stands and pushes his fallen hair out of his face.

Grey, impassive, if slightly annoyed eyes meet mine, "I guess you're sober now."

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I bark as I dart my gaze between him and the bed. "What the fuck are you doing in my home?"

"You don't remember last night?" He asks, frowning slightly.

I frown as well, except with effort as I try to recall what happened, but things had been a blur even before the guys had come. "No, but I know I definitely didn't invite you into my place or my bed."

"You were in a club," he says with distaste as if the word alone offended him. "You were very drunk and I took you home."

"How did you know I was there?"

"What?" He asks, and it almost sounds like genuine confusion.

I take a step back, "How did you know I was there?"

Nikola frowns, confused by the way my voice trembles to speak the words. My heart pounds, rattling my eardrums as I dare a glance at the mirror against the wall.

"Were you watching me?" Speaking the words taste like poison, and even though my stomach is empty, I feel like I'm about to throw up again.

Nikola's face falls all at once. "No." He says it sternly like a vow, and takes a step forward. I take two back and his gaze becomes even more miserable. "I was not watching you, Hagen."

"Then how did you know," I ask, shout really, but I can't help it. My head hurts and I can barely breathe as familiar panic rises within me.

"I came here to see you, and you were leaving with Max and Jaspar," he replies and I frown trying to recall. "I thought I'd wait for you to return, but the hours kept passing and you didn't, so I thought it best to go to you."

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