Back in Pontypandy

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Since we'd been in the air my mum had fallen asleep for the whole journey to London and didn't wake up to we nearly arrived back in London.

As we approached London and London Heathrow we saw a line of fire engines and police cars. We had seen them driving down the motorway through Cardiff to London.

Ellie was prepping for the landing just as Steele, Rose and Lucy when they turned into the runaway of the airport ready to land the plane.

As Penny woke up they all heard the captain talk over the PA system. He told us all that were on the plane there will be a like of fire engines and police cars and not to panic.

The plane soon landed a very smooth landing and we were took to terminal 5.

There was fire engines from the London fire brigade (LFB) Heathrow airport fire service, Airport police, Metropolitan police and British transport police.

We were soon allowed to deboard and that we did and we went through customs (passport control and nothing to declare) and we cleared it. Both of them we did so.

Rose and Ellie collected everyone's bags while waiting for the rest to join once we did so we all had one of our bags while Ellie carried my suitcase as I was complaining of being tired.

We met with border force and they took us to the other side. On the outside we saw Arnold, Elvis, Steele, Boyce and Malcolm alongside Newtown Police to escort them home.

I was happy to be home even if seriously tired due to jet lag and that it be hard to sleep for a while but we soon reached Pontypandy Wales and we all got changed into our pjs.

I was happy that I had been to America.

My parents sat with me for the whole journey home to keep me not only company but to keep me feeling that I was sat and loved.

We got home a few hours later and it was know hitting 1am. Normally would be bedtime for me but my body was protesting the tiredness due to my body running on America's internal clock and not UK's internal clock.

Everyone was there to welcome us back into Pontypandy and even Malcolm was there also. They said welcome back from the trip and we'll done to one emergence we had attend.

As soon as me and my parents got in however we saw some letters on the floor. My dad put most on the side bar one that seemed important.

It was form a special place in America. This made us all curious. It read from the WhiteHouse on the envelope.

My dad opened it and he saw a letter inside. Didn't seemed to be able to be noticeable to the males eye to see who it belonged to in the house.

I used some natural light and read it for a while and told my supposed grandma did something.

He read it in his head and it read that they wished me in my journey to become a firefighter and insife it was a certification of honour from himself. Sam smiled.

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