chapter 45

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Nick! said Joe excitedly. You said you couldn't effort to study in an art school, that's why you study here, right?

Why are you shouting bro? said Nick awkwardly. Well, not only for that's expensive but....

Forget that. Forget that. Look at this, said Joe.

It was a news on Facebook. A man named Alex Penn has organized an art competition. He will teach the top five students personally full free.

Alex Penn! bellowed Nick. He is an great artist! He is my idol. It's awesome!

So? asked Jiya lightly. Are you taking part in it?

Can l still resister for it? Nick asked,his voice trembling slightly in excitement.Yeah, said Joe happily. Tomorrow is the last date for resistration. There is written how to resister. Yeah, it can be done online.

When and where is it happening? asked Nick.

It's happening in our city, said Joe. He seemed even more cheerful than Nick. On the 7th August, 8 to 11 am.

Suddenly Nick's smile faded.

Joe! I said. That's date of our last exam. Exam is at 9 am.My bad , said Nick resentfully. Missed the chance of competing.

What the hell do you mean by your bad? You're going to miss such a great chance of following your dream for that worthless exam? Joe almost yelled.

Worthless? I can't go to the next class without passing it bro. Also, there must be thousands of competitors and only five will be chosen. Possibly of making it is low,l have never been in such a 

big competition. If l was sure about making it the maybe l could miss my ex.....

You damn hypocrite! Joe thudded his fist on the table hard standing up.

Joe! Calm down,cried Kathy.

You always need surety. You need surety to follow your dream that it will earn you a lot of money. Is there really anything called surety Nick? What is the surety of living tomorrow? What is the surety that you won't die today? Do you really have any passion or you just pretend to like art? What will happen if you try but don't make it. You have to stay in the same class twice? Is it a thing worth fearing this much that you won't even try to achieve this chance?

Joe, calm down. It's his choice, you can't force, said Jwel to control the situation.

People like you have time to live! People like you can stay worry free about time. But in my 

opinion, cowards like you don't deserve to live,Joe shouted angrily. It's a waste of life.

Joe! Watch your words, l said hotly.It may can mean just a more year in school to you, but to me? said Nick slowly. You have never 

lived my live,so you have no right to blame me.

You just keep making excuses, shouted Joe.Excuses? shouted Nick more loudly.

Guys! Calm down. People are watching,l moaned.

So let them watch, both said together.

Excuses? Right. I have been pretending. Pretending everything. Our house is barely two rooms, dad works day and night to provide my expenses, they never buy anything in festivals,are they lies? I have to starve myself after working that hard to save some money for my art tools. I never have money to pay on our fancy trips. That's how my live is. You don't know cause you never have seen it. I fear, l fear so much to fail cause l don't have backups like you. Your parents can effort two more year's school fees without even noticing, but mine can't. You see just an extra year, but l can't help seeing the extra money l will have to pay. Not that easy,is it?

So what Nick? You're afraid to choose a different path from others. But there's no surety of you earning a lot money if you complete this school and get into a good university. Nothing is certain. I have got tired explaining you that. Life is only one, just live, said Joe irritatedly. There 

are people counting down their lifetime.

It's alright, Jiya patted Nick on his back as he was looking pitiful. It's your life. You have right to 

make your decision.

Now, why are you siding with him? scowled Joe.Cause l have learned enough that it's not possible for someone else to make your life happy. You have to do everything for your life, others just can help, said Jiya calmly. Resister for him, Joe.

Sister! I can't, can't compete, started Nick.

By doing this you will have time to think ,Joe,she said turning towards Joe. Resister his name 

and leave the rest of decision to him.

RIGHT! I said positively. This way you will have both options in your hand and you can take your time to choose. But if you don't resister and decide to compete after tomorrow, you will not be able.

Do whatever you want. Tomorrow is our exam and l am going in room to study, said Nick heavily. Bye all of you.

Yeah,bye, said we.

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