chapter 65

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Ask me, said Joe standing in the middle of the tent.

Ask you what ?l asked.

I...Joe was talking this seriously l guess first time in his life, promised that l will tell you everything about me, right? Ask me whatever you want to know about me.

Are you sure that you're ready for it? I asked concerned.

Joe nodded. You all have gave me enough time. So...who will start first?

Where are you from actually? asked Kathy excitedly.

Well, it's a planet three light years away from earth. But l don't think the name given by us will match the name given by human. So don't mind the name.

Us? How many aliens are there in that planet? asked Nick this time.

We are noritosomus , said Joe smiling slightly. Saying alien is a little offending bro.

You're what? I asked confused.

Like you guys call yourselves human, we call ourselves noritosomus . To us you are aliens, right? As aliens mean animals from other planet. We were almost two millions when l left.

Why are you here ?l asked.

Joe glanced at Jiya once . It wasn't my intention to come here. I was passing through this solar system heading for another planet. But my spacecraft suddenly showed some problem and it's automated system couldn't control it anymore. When it was inside earth's gravitational pull, it went totally out of my control and crushed here almost killing me.

Why is your blood blue? Jwel asked this time.

Now our internal body structure is a little different from yours. The transition metal called ferrum here is the main cause of the red colour of your blood, right?

Yeah, said Jwel. Cause it shows reddish colour in solution. Then what is in your blood?

Copper, you guys call it copper, said Joe.

How did you learn so much about human to disguise yourself properly? asked Jiya finally.

I am a specialist about human, said Joe proudly.

Meaning? she asked confused.

I studied E.T.I and then specialized about human. You know, human is the most interesting creature in my opinion, said Joe.

So, what did you used to study about us? asked Jiya again.

Like, your body structure, major languages of earth, your thoughts, economy, reproduction sys...Joe stopped suddenly and started coughing.

Idiot, Jiya muttered. We were looking at one another to see other's reaction.

But still, said Joe again turning the topic, l have never visited earth before. It's really a super exciting experience for me to learn practically about you and read books written by mankind.

That's why you disguised yourself as a student, right? asked Nick.

Yeah. There is diversity as it's top among students. Cause students are the future population of a country. I could see various kinds of human just by staying a student.

But how did you get all the papers to get admission in our school? Where do you get money to pay the fees? asked Kathy.

I got gold and silver inside my suit. l don't know why are they used in suit but knew that they are valuable here. I sold them and got enough money to pay fees and spend for other things for at least four years. There was a man who makes fake paper for money. He arranged all the papers l need to get admission and l opened a bank account too to keep the money. I knew that you guys use name to call each other so he gave the name Joe.

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