chapter 33

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Didn't come to school today,did she? Jwel asked coldly.
Huh? Joe stared confusedly.
That devil, Jwel gritted his teeth. You did so much for her and she didn't even bother to say thanks! Simply didn't come to school today.
I didn't do that expecting thanks from her, l didn't also thank her,did l? Joe said politely.
Why will you thank her? Jwel asked angrily. You helped her,she didn't help you at all.
She did, you just don't know, Joe said indignantly.
Well, why are you guys arguing over a small thanks. Sister usually doesn't talk much, so...Nick said.
Sister? Jwel shouted. Fine! I know you guys have been trying to make friendship with her and carefully hiding that matter from me. So you guys don't think me your friend anymore, right? She is more important than me now.
It's not like that, Joe said irritatedly. They said you get angry if someone talks about her,so....
So what? Jwel's voice trembling with anger. So you guys became two sided. Sometimes me , sometimes her,huh? I thought you guys will tell me, but you never told. I was waiting. You think I didn't realize anything? Everyone in the friend group knew, except me. You guys didn't even counted me in, just for her l became no one to you all? I became an outsider?
Brother ,Nick insisted. We thought you will become angry, that's why didn't tell you. Yeah, we have been trying to make friendship with her, but that doesn't mean you're not our friend anymore. Both of you can be friends, right? She stays so lonely...
She is my sister, you don't know that? Why do you think I behave like that with her? There's obviously some reason, don't you think? Jwel shouted. I am not a mad.
Yes there is ,Joe said calmly. The reason is misunderstanding. You just misunderstood her, that's all.
Chuckled Jwel. I lost my dearest one. You can't even imagine what she was for me. How will you feel when your dearest friend, your sister tell you that she has murdered your mother?
I know you felt bad...Joe started.
You don't, shouted Jwel. No one does. You guys think Jiya is the one who is suffering? I am an evil person? She simply doesn't care about others, never did. She could carry on alone 8 years ago, still she can. I am the one who became alone, but all the sympathy of my friends is for her? And I am an evil person in your eyes now who keep misbehaving with her angel like sister?
Well...Nick was going to say something but his phone rang. He went away to receive that.
I'm not saying that, Jwel. Joe persuaded. I know it's hard for you, but I'm just saying you're misunderstanding her. Maybe it's not like you think.
How can I misunderstand? Jwel asked angrily. She said it. She said it herself.
Well,maybe....can you guys please stop, shouted Nick angrily. Ema called, we need to find her.
Find whom? Both asked.
Jiya,cried Nick. She's missing Ema said.
WHAT!! Shouted Joe. W...hat do you mean by missing?
Nick handed his phone to Joe. The speaker was Kathy, crying and stuttering, l a quar..rel with her. A..fter that she left the room. She didn't come back whole day,she was ab..sent in school too. It's already 10:30, the gate is closed but she isn't back yet. Do you think she left permanently cause of me?
Did you call her? Joe asked impatiently.
No. We don't have number. I did bad, l am an idiot.
Kathy, don't cry. She's not a child, she won't leave over stupid quarrels, Joe sympathized her. I think I know where she is, don't worry, okay? We will find her.
Joe,I said this time snatching the phone.
We are slipping out,where do we meet?
No, stay in the hostel you guys. Four people will attract too much attention,also it's trouble to meet from different places. Two is enough, l will call after finding her, don't worry. Manage if someone finds her in the hostel, alright?
Okay then,l said. Joe cutted the call.
What do you mean by two? Jwel said indignantly. Am l invisible to you?
Bro, I think you didn't hear that we are going to find Jiya, said Nick.
So? (both of them looking shocked)
You seriously wanna come? Being caring to her suddenly? Nick taunted.
Umm Jwel stuttered. It's for you guys.I wanna help you. Two isn't enough, we at least should be three.
Forgot the quarrel we just had? Joe asked. Still wanna help us?
I am not selfish to leave you guys in a bad situation.I still consider you guys as my friends, right?
Same goes for us too. Come on,haven't got much time, Joe hurried.

*What the hell?Are you sure it's the right path?asked Jwel irritatedly.
Of course,I have come here more than a dozen times,Joe said lightly.The argument among them seemed to fade away and Jwel looked much light hearted than before after shooting out his anger.
I never came to this side of forest before.It's quite..ouch,dense said Nick standing up again.
Be careful, scolded Jwel. Funny place for a night out.How much far it is?He asked irritatedly.
Keep walking.The place is.. yeah! See that tent.That's it.
That's the place you talked about? Jiya's study place? Nick asked.
Yeah! Interesting, isn't it? Joe said impressed. She really choosed the best spot.
Cause the viewer is Mr. interesting, muttered Nick.
Jiya? Joe called from outside. No answer came. Let's enter, he said worried.
Hey Jiya? Jiya? Shouted Joe. Jiya was sleeping in the tent,her head on the desk.
I didn't tell them, shouted Jiya. She opened her eyes, shivering.
What? Had a nightmare? Nick asked softly.
Jiya stared startledly for a moment. What are... you guys doing here?
We came to find you of course. Is it a place to sleep? They were damn worried,Joe said hotly.
Sleep? What time...dark? Is it n.. night? Jiya shouted. I missed school today?
It's 11 already, said Jwel irritatedly.
Have you been sleeping here for whole day? Nick asked worriedly. Are you alright?
11? muttered Jiya. How come you guys here then? Hostels should be closed already, asked she.
We just slipped out and... Why are your face so pale? Joe asked. You....let me see.
Wait... don't come... Joe touched her forehead. Ummm hot, it's hot. Too much hot?
Let me see, Nick checked also.
Jiya hesitated. Yeah, l feel like a little fever... little? cried Nick. It's obviously not less than 40. You should be at hospital now.
It's just fever,Jiya said weakly. Nothing serious.
High fever is not a good sign. You should go to hospital,Jwel said with much effort like it worth his life talking politely with her.
I will go tomorrow then,Jiya said shortly. Now you go back.
What do you mean? Joe asked angrily. You're not planning to pass night here,are you?
Hostel is already closed. I don't know any way to slip in like you,so it's the only way.
You must be kidding us, shouted Jwel.
How can you stay here at night? shouted Joe.
Don't spoil the peace here, Jiya said irritatedly. I have stayed here before at night. Leave me alone.
But this time you're ill sister, said Nick calmly. You should go to hospital immediately.
This time if you guys get spotted outside, you will have to suffer a lot. If l wanna go to hospital now, l also need to enter the hostel first to inform aunty about my illness and she will bring me to hospital, you see it's quite impossible now,Jiya explained.
We will go with you and help you to slip in,Joe said.
I don't wanna trouble you more, please leave. I will be alright,Jiya said.
You don't need to think about us, just come, said Joe.
Same for you. No need to worry about me, just go.
Who are you to order us?We won't go, Jwel shouted angrily.
Stay then,Jiya said calmly. Just don't disturb me.
Three exchanged look among them. Alright, let's stay here, today,Joe said.
What if uncle finds out?Jiya asked coldly.
Nothing much. You are cleaning the bathroom for us after you get well,Joe joked.
I am serious.
Then let's go, l know the place Ema choosed for slipping out, Nick said eagerly. You don't want us in trouble, right?
Hanging around the girls hostel at midnight? That's.. Jiya tried to find word.
Hey! You talk as if we are perverts. It's just for you okay? We don't have any wrong intention,l swear, Joe said. I will go straight back to hostel after you are in.
Me too,Nick added.
Any doubt?Jwel asked irritatedly.
Huff,Jiya sighed. Why are you guys so nosy... 

WE AREN'T!!! three shouted together.

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