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I sometimes miss him alot. It's been 2 months now I haven't moved on yet but I'm trying hard to heal. I have deleted his contacts and pictures. It's been 2 months now I haven't heard about him.

It's okay.....atleast I'm happy for him......my only wish is that he would soon find a perfect girl who would love her more than me...

I feel great now. I have almost moved on from his thoughts. My psychiatrist has really helped me to get better and better I couldn't thank her more.

Today the weather was perfect sunny bright sunlight was pouring heavily with cool breeze...I thought of gardening so I went to the garden and started planting vegies and watered it... Good baby carrot plant you would be amazing when you grow up....I started mumbling when I was working........

And then I heard a familiar voice repeating my name.........Not again...........



After breaking up with Kiara I felt relieved. I started my flirting skills with girls and tried to hit them. Everything was going fine.....until.......

Until.....one day I was trying to kiss someone at the club when suddenly I got flashbacks of kiara. I mean why she is haunting me. I pushed that girl back and went home.

Kiara's thought......smile.....touch.......all i was thinking about way back home..I think I drank too much..........

I become so distracted from my work...everyone were upset from my behaviour. Thats not my problem if someone else's memories flashbacks me....

I think.......I miss her........but why?? Man....she was sick......But deep inside I knew I was in love with her........ I tried to console my mind and heart its nothing like that......

Whenever I tried to focus on something she appears again and again in my mind. Day night all I think about her........I don't know how to face her........But i have to......

After gathering lot of guts i decided to go back to Kiara..... I arranged my flight to US and went to get her back.....

I went straight back to her home. I longed to see her... touch her ..... listen her voice again............ I knocked the door.......it was her mom....... she knewed everything about us.......but.......she let me in.......I apologise her mom and asked for kiara....

She said.....kaira was unstable past months so they appointed a psychiatrist for her. But she is fine now......she was figuring hard to move on from that incident.......

I was shocked hearing this.....I didn't realised kiara loved me as hell.....I was the one who was unfit for her......I have hurt her soo bad....I felt guilty.......

I begged her mom for kiara......she was emotional but generous and said it's all on kiara if she forgive me she won't mind......

I cried asking for kiara......She said kiara was gardening backyard........I stood up and went straight searching for her........

When I reached all I could remember her pale smile and sad face........she was talking with herself........ I screamed her name in a crying voice........

She looked back and was startled. I went closer to her and hugged her tightly. She wasn't responding me but it was okay she got the right to do that........

I cried hugging her.........all I said was" I'm sorry please forgive me.......I didn't realised how much you mean to me kiara.....".

Kiara didn't said a word. I pulled myself back from her......held my hands on her arms and said...." I know I have made you hurt.....But kiara....I started having feelings for you now......."

" Have feelings now...???", she raised her voice.

" Okay so that one month was just an attraction for you I guess.....", she said in hurting voice.

" It's nothing like that Kia.....", I was interrupted.

"JK......It will be better for you to leave now......I don't want to remember anything about our past...", kiara said.

" No...no....no......I won't......kiara please forgive me......I can't live without you......I promise this time I won't do anything stupid. Please have faith in me.......please....", I cried.

Kiara walked aside. I went her back and hugged her." Kiara....I love you...and I mean it.......". I said.

"You love me??? Okay so prove me....", she said in anger.

"What should i do for you to make believe that I love you......should I announce it officially? Tell me what do you want I'll do it happily.....I can make a tattoo for you.....I can make a song for you.......I can do anything for you just......just be with me......", I said in tears.

'"Are you mad....?",Kiara smiled at me.

" I don't want anything from you...but......love......", she said and hugged me.

That was the best day of my life finally I found my soulmate. She was the one for me....... I'll never loose her.......

We both hugged each other and went inside.....

We both hugged each other and went inside

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☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now