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I reached my hotel and starts unpacking my stuffs.

Yes I went to see Jk as he sounds very low after the call. I booked a cab and went straight his home.

I reached his home and to my surprise it was hella loud. I rang the doorbell. But to my surprise he didn't received me.

I continued to ring . At last someone pulls the door from inside. He was familiar tho.

"V??", I Said surprisingly.

"Kiara....!!you're here....JK didn't informed us about you or else we would change our date of get together....", he said in one breath.

I laughed and said, " It is surprise.!.where is he??."

"Oh, please come inside.....after all it's your home....", V said jokingly.

I went inside and saw all the members were sitting on the couch watching movie.

It was strange. But I didn't saw JK anywhere.

"Where is he...?", I asked.

They started mumbling together at a weird tone.

I was confused.

V stood up and said," washroom."

I nodded my head and starts walking towards the washroom.

Music was loud but I heard someone moaning from the bedroom.

It was strange. I didn't care to see.

I went straight to the washroom but to my surprise he was nowhere.

I passed the hallway again I heard someone terribly moaning.

I don't have the intention to stalk someone but I was eager to know who was that!!

I slowly went closer to the bedroom.

I  slowly pushed the door....it was dark....I couldn't see anything.

I switched on the lights.....



I saw JK with some other girl on his bed.

My eyes was full of tears. Somehow I had controlled.

I felt someone stabbed my heart into infinity pieces.

JK was stunned to see me at his room.

The girl was so bitchy that she even started kissing JK in front of me...

I somehow managed my emotions and said in a hurtful voice.

"You're such a play boy.....".

And I left crying out of his bedroom. JK was so mean that he didn't tried to stop me or explain about those shit he done. But he didn't.

As I came out everyone started staring me. They were shocked to see me crying.

"Are you okay kiara???,  V asked in hesitation.

"Is everything all right ??", Jimin patted my shoulder and said.

I face them with my red and tearful eyes and said.....," So...you'll knew what he was doing in his bedroom right???"

They seemed surprised.

"What are you talking about ??", they replied.

"Okay...I know you all support him alot so it's fine..",I said in low voice.

"What's the matter? Did he said something to you or what??", V asked continously.

"Your friend was doing shit with his new girlfriend at his bedroom", I said in anger.

They were shocked to hear this. They stared me at disbelief.


No...he can't do this to you kiara. He loves you and only you..", V consoled me.

" You better go and see with your eyes.", I said and i left JK's home running.



My heart ached by seeing Kiara watching me doing f shit to some other girl.

I didn't meant to do that. Lana was so triggered that she turned me on.

I saw her saying me ....I'm such a playboy.

It hurts.....

I felt miserable and sat on bed. Lana was not done she continued to kiss me.

I pushed her back in anger and said..

"Lana....you did it intentionally right??? Are you happy now??".

"JK...I really didn't knew that ugly girl was  your girlfriend.!!", Lana said proudly.

I stood up wrapping towel around my waist.

"Lana....you better stay away from me...get out...!!!",I screamed.

She was done with her tricks and stoop up wearing her dress and walked out of the room.

Suddenly V And other members came rushing at my room.

"JK!!!!!!!", V screamed..

I never saw him screaming that loud before.

I only stared them coming closer to me.

"What the hell were you doing with Lana here ???", Jimin asked.

I was numbed. I couldn't answer them.

"JK....Man....how dare you cheat Kiara...!!!",V screamed.

I just stared the floor as I felt miserable.

"Man....I couldn't believe you did this to her. I really wanna hit you but.....but...",V said.

"Hit me then...I'll take it .", I said looking down.

"What's wrong with you bro....??? Why you did that....???", Jimim patted my shoulder.

"Lana....she's real bitch. She turned me on and I couldn't control myself.", I said regretting.

"Wow.....I mean...I'm speechless.......well done bro...", V patted me and went out of my room.

Everyone left.

I felt like dying but.....I also know this time she won't forgive me.

I only love her. I couldn't imagine my future with someother girl.

I tried to call her but she blocked me. I sent dozen of sorry text but she didn't replied.

I knewed may be she wasn't destined to be with me....

I cried.


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now