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Jk : Aah..life is so hard I wish I could go on a vacation.

V : You better keep quiet!! All you do is practice few lines with us and run away for some reason.

JK : oh c'mon V when did I do that? Okay but if I do so then what's the problem?

V : We all know where you go so don't act innocent in front of me after all I'm your close friend.

V : We all know where you go so don't act innocent in front of me after all I'm your close friend

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V is my close friend since we met. He is my partner in crime, he is more like my brother.

I never hide anything from him he knows me very well. He also knows where I go after the practice. It's nothing like that I just go on dates with few girls that's it.

But why he is so upset today?? Looks he is not in a good mood today.

"Is everything alright V??" I asked curiously.

"Nah..........." he said heavily. "What's the matter bro  are you okay.?? "I asked patting his shoulder.

"I'm just worried about my family, since they are going through alot. I don't understand why people do such things? If they don't like us ,then why they do such mean things. After all it's our family who suffers." V said in tears.

There's a lot of  things going around us these days. Alot of hate comments on us are becoming popular as people are jealous of us because we are becoming more and more popular worldwide. It's just a hardwork and dedication we do. I don't understand such people.

Sometimes they cross their limits and tries to attack us even on our families. That's what is happening with V these days. But we are grateful for our armies who stand like a shield for us against those fake people.

I tried to console V by hugging him. He was so upset with things going around him. I tried to make him laugh by saying mean jokes. At last he smiled. And went out for dinner.


KB [pov]

I was sleeping soundlessly till  I heard something which awakes me. It was Shina jumping around my bed like she was so excited for something.

KBNot again Shina! Please leave me alone you broke my sleep cycle .

SHINA : Aeee..get up get up I have to tell you something important.

KB : Please Shina not now let me sleep.

SHINA : I'll give you 5 minutes! Get up and come outside I'll meet you there.


SHINA:  You have to come..bye...

Shina and I were close friends since childhood

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Shina and I were close friends since childhood.  When I came US she was the first girl who took care of me in school because I was new there. But today we are more like soul sisters. She does not like singing at all well she is a fashion designer. Majority of my concert outfits are designed by her and I love them.

Okay! But why she's at my home early morning?? Ummm...there's must be very exciting thing to tell about. I guess so....

I got up from my bed disgracefully and went to freshen up. When I went outside for breakfast I saw something unexpected.
It was my mom and Shina talking about dresses.  My mom usually don't like about the idea of fashion designing but today she was joining hands with her. That's suspicious.

" Oh you're there!! Come fast and have breakfast". My mom saying in one breath.

"Yes, I'm coming but why are you both rushing for breakfast??". I said cunningly.

"Well.....there's something big we have to tell you Kia...." shina said smilingly.

"What about??" I asked.

"First finish your breakfast!!". My mom shouting me.

"Okayy----then.." I said.


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now