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Finally! The day has come and we arrived the land of famous people. I am nervous and quite confident about our nomination.

We reached our hotel and I checked in my room. And by the surprise we were alloted single single room that's cozy btw.

Tomorrow will be the day I've waited for.i can't wait to meet great people in our music industry. I hope to learn something from that show. Time to sleep......



Aah...I'm so tired today.....Gosh! I hope everything goes fine tomorrow. I am hella nervous it will be my first ever performance in award show. Btw it feels good....




Ahem!!...I look pretty decent today. I hope it's not that revealing. I really like Shina's taste.

Oh God! I'm late. These NYC traffic sucks. I need to run asap otherwise it will be so embarrassing to go inside without a red carpet( internally joking with herself).

Thank God! I'm not the last one. Seems there are alot of people like me. Okayyy....my turn....

God...I just hate these photographers....my eyes....Aah....my eyes are hurting with their flashlights......yes I can do it.....
Smile smile smile Kia....don't expose your ugly side( talking internally).

don't expose your ugly side( talking internally)

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Wait...why are they staring me!!!They look familiar tho...nevertheless I gotta go inside to see my custome for today's performance. I really wished I could meet them.



RM : Make sure to smile more.

JK : Yeah...that's natural tho.

RM : Okay...let's go guys.

Wooow.....I mean that was pure magical moment for me. Such kind of attention and supporters means so much.


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Oooooooommmmyyyyyy......is she Kiara Benzy!!!?????She's damn pretty. I can't take my eyes off from her. She even looks more gorgeous in real than screen.

I was staring at her like mad when I noticed the other six members were too staring at her like wtf was it.!!

I wanted to meet her but she went inside too fast like she was in rush. Nevermind I'll meet her today at any cost.




It was nerve wrecking moment for me......I somehow manage to step on the stage for my performance .

Oh God.....everyone's watching me....breathe....breathe.........(music)....la....la.....la......la........la.......la......la......la.......la......la.....la....>>>>>(everyone claps!!!).
And....... I'm done....!!

Wooooohhhhh...... that was sick...Idk...why those seven men stared me like without even blinking........anyways......

"Kia!!omg.....you killed it...!!", Shina screamed at me running towards me.

" Oh Shina,don't tell me anything about me now I'm exhausted.....", I said annoyingly.

Shina winked at me and said, " Did you see they were staring at you like mad???"

" Who??" I asked like I didn't noticed.

" Those seven handsome adorable hottest men......." shina said in a praising tone.

" ohhhh....BTS???!!.....Ahem...Where were they sitting I didn't noticed them actually....". I said like I didn't see them.

" Oh, okay okay....now change and go, this award show will not wait for our prom queen". Shina exploded in laugh.

" Fine...". I said.


* BTS won two award for best group and best vocals.
* Kiara won award for artist of the year.




Woo....finally this boring show ended up.
I'mma gotta go asap. I don't wanna meet with people......okay so......this is embarrassing but I'm more kinda introvert.

Where tf is my bodyguard!!!Man...this guy doesn't come when needed the most.....
" You were the star today miss ", I heard someone mocking me from behind. I don't wanna turn back...gosh....
" No...no..not at all....", I said shockingly to JB as he was staring me with his beloved wife.

I somehow manage to run from them.....but bumped into someone's chest. Sheesh.....I turned my head up to see him.....he was hella cute and handsome....he was staring me like mad. I pulled myself back from him.

" Oh

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" Oh.. hi miss Kiara!!!"....he said.
" Nice to meet you Mr..."I was interrupted by my bodyguard.
"Mam, let's go there's alot of traffic outside now we gotta go or else we will be late home."
" yeah.!!" I said in sad tone.

" Myself Jimin!! ", the man said .
" Jimin, nice to meet you...I'm sorry I gotta go....bye...". I said smilingly and went out of the show.



I was enjoying my conversation with Charlie Puth when I saw Jimin having talk with Kiara. Damn...I gotta meet her.....

I somehow manage to come there but unfortunately she left. I felt bad.

JIMIN : You missed it bro.

JK: Man...can't you hold her back for 2 minutes.?

JIMIN : I wish....man....she's damn pretty from a closer look. And her fragrance was toooo......

Jk : Stfu!! I didn't asked you about that. She's mine.

JIMIN : ( Laughing out loud)..Are you serious?? You haven't met her once and you are making fake stories in your head!!!

JK : I don't care. One day she will be mine.


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now