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I was ready for my concert.

I just took my phone out and called Kiara  backstage before our concert starts. But she didn't picked up.

I was tensed. What if she don't come today.

Suddenly I heard our manager calling our name as our performance was about to start.

I kept my phone aside and joined the other members. They were excited for it.

I sneak peak outside. Ommmmmmgggggg such a huge crowd. Our armies were like mad standing over there.

 Our armies were like mad standing over there

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I was hella nervous but confident about us.

We made our last minute talk and stepped onto the stage.

We entered with a loud voice cheering for us. For a second I thought I became deaf.
The arena was filled with purple hearts purple balloons and posters.

The arena was filled with purple hearts purple balloons and posters

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We started singing and dancing for our fans. They went crazy seeing us so close. I  tried to shake hands with my fans and started enjoying the moment.

But my eyes were searching for one person in the middle of million people

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But my eyes were searching for one person in the middle of million people.

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☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now