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I was laying in my bed until someone bumped in my room without knocking the door. It was none other than my best friend.

" Hey what are you wearing tonight!!?? ". V asked.

" Tonight?? For what??". I sat on my bed and said.
" Nobody told you about tonight's plan??? Wtf I thought I was the last one to know about." V said miserably.

" What is it V ??". I asked curiously.

V smiled and said, " Bro, tonight we are going to attend a birthday party of a lil girl."

" What are you talking about? I don't know any lil girl here..." I said roughly.

"Hmmmmm.....It's  Steve's child's birthday. It's a small party at his home only few close people of him will attend it." V said smilingly.
" Alright!! Atleast we are here to enjoy too...". I said.

(Author (pov))
* Steve  here is one of the best singer in US.
* BTS adore him.



Man...my bodyguard again disappeared!!
I gotta do something about him. Why tf I'm here I don't know. Being introvert I came here I just want a place to hide that's it.

 Being introvert I came here I just want a place to hide that's it

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I guess I'm the one who came with pants at party. I really feel uncomfortable wearing tight dresses. After all it's my choice. I don't care what others think of me. Anyways, I look cute in every outfit (internally joking).

Oooooo.....there's children park section...omg I'm going there.....Awwwww.....ice-cream.....my weakness.........
I asked for double Chocolate cup ice-cream and started having it like a mad child. I stopped when I saw a cute lil boy was pulling my sweater. I asked what's the matter. All he wanted was to ask someone to tie his shoe laces. I kept my cup on side and sat down on ground and started to tie his laces. I was surprised to see someone sitting next to me.



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We reached our destination and I was surprised to see few people around. Party was first class. But I wonder why are there are so many sections I mean for adults we got drinks and clubbing section, for kids they got park theme section. Yeah kids section as it is Steve's child birthday. Wow this kind of parties looks elegant.

We were enjoying our drinks with Steve  till someone asked about Kiara whether she is invited or not!

Steve  : "of course she came. Now don't wonder why she is not visible to us. The answer is - she is enjoying at kids section.  You guys know she doesn't drink and all so don't get mad at her absence on our section".

Everyone laughed at Steve's  joke. But I was happy to hear it. Finally I'll get to see Kiara. I kept my drink on the table and started walking towards  kid's sections.

When I reached I saw world's most beautiful girl having ice-cream like a child

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When I reached I saw world's most beautiful girl having ice-cream like a child. I was standing and staring at her for a while and laughing on my own. She is clumsy tho.

Suddenly I saw a child pulling her dress and started talking with her. I don't wanna miss the talk and went straight up to her and sat beside her.

She was hella  scared seeing me beside. I couldn't stop my laugh.

" Hi, so I was watching two kids were having fun here right??...." I said.

" Oooooowww..nothing like that it's just he needed help so....." Kiara said smilingly.

"Well...I'm..."I was interrupted by Kiara.


I was amazed by her like she knows me.

"Actually,I follow BTS since year ago so I know about everyone of you." She said.

" Really!!" I said blushing.

"Haahmmm.....well I really like the way you all convey the message to fans through singing. It's an inspiration." She said.

I asked curiously ," Well what's your favorite song of ours then.?"

" It's bit tough but 'Blood,sweat and tears ' are my favorite." She said jokingly.

I was amazed like damn she knows about us very well.

The child went back to his friends. And we stood up. And I see she started eating her ice-cream like a hungry child. And I laughed at it.

"Whattttttt!!! What are you laughing at??". She asked.

" Nothing!!". I said. I joined at her ice-cream party too. She left her cup and ran towards the slide and started climbing up. I was laughing as hell like she's a child lot more.
I watched her being happy with kids. Her innocence is what I love about. I wish to tell her that I like her. I wanted to date her at any cost.


I asked her about meeting again. She was in a hurry and said okay tomorrow @3,sky beach. I said I'll be there. And she left.

Idk why I agreed to meet jungkook tomorrow. Man...this is sick.. I really don't know what to talk about tomorrow. Let's see what happens tomorrow.


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now