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Sun was shining bright , I took my book and started reading it at my  chair facing Sun.

I love reading books it keeps me engaged.

Currently I took break from releasing new songs, social media and meeting people. I just wanted to be in peace.

I felt good I guess.....I'm...moving on.....

This time I was not depressed. Instead I was happy and  chilled because somewhere I know JK and me were not destined.

I only wish him good life. If he seems happy with that girl I don't mind.

I was smiling on my own...then someone knocked my door...

It was Shina.

"Ooohooooooo...my prom queen glow differently  nowadays....!!!",Shina mocked me.

Shina knows everything about my past. Infact it was her who gave emotional support to me when I was low.

"What are you talking about...?',I giggle.

"Mmmmmmm....Kia....I like who you are becoming.....you are so strong.. I wish to be strong like you..", shina said while taking my book from my hand.

"Shina....I was reading tho....", I said.

"Shhhsss.......Kia...your break is over.....c'mon now let's rock the world again...", Shina exclaimed.

" I too think to resume my work. Anyways I need to go recording my new song...", I said.

I stood up from chair and started working towards my drawer and took out a note pad in which I used to write the lyrics for my songs.

Hmmm....I gave the note pad to Shina...and told her to open last page.

She saw the lyrics I wrote for my new song....

She was amazed reading it.

"Wow.....Kia....this is something different from your style", she said.

"Hhmmmm....i thought to release it but I didn't find any appropriate music for it...would you help me..??", I asked pouting .

She agreed and we ran towards my recording room and started experimenting music for my new song.

I called out my team and we were ready to record.

This time I sang from all over my heart. I felt so good. I continously smiled while singing it. Something magical was there in this song.

Everyone exclaimed this gonna be hit.

I said...."It doesn't matter it'll be hit or flop....I just poured my heart to my fans through this song...it's upto them how they take it..".

Okay...so....song was recorded but i need a video for this song. So my team decided to plan the venue and the things needed.


We were done from our shooting. It was wholesome. Everyone praised me for my glow up.

Deep down only i knew the cost of having such good smile behind the pain.

Anyways........I've made this song for JK......in a positive way.....

I nervously took my phone and  replied his text message. He still text me everyday. Its been 3 months. But I never replied him once.

But today I felt relieved and positive so i decided to talk with him on a positive note.

                   -------Text Message-----

Me: Hi....hope you're doing good.
        Sorry for not replying your texts.
       I wanna say can we be friends?
     Ummm...I forgot the things which had
     happened. I have moved on.

JK: Kiara...........kiara........where were you..
       ???????????? .

Jk : Kiara....I'm sorry to hurt you😢...please                 forgive me..!!!!

Me : Jk.....can we be friends....just friends...??

JK : Kiara.......please don't do this to me.....

Me: Jk....I have moved on....it's okay if you don't wanna be my friend then...bye....

JK : Kiara...??? No..........please talk to me....please....

JK: Okayy as you say....I'm ready to be your 'just friend'....

Me: 😊friends then....🤝

JK :🙃🤝..


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now