11▪︎ OH HI! I'M LANA!

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I was consoling my mind that everything gonna be okay.

But I was amused by kiara as she didn't mention about the rumours once. I knew she was strong to handle such rumors.

That's my girl I love her alot.

Anyways today I was having a dinner party for my members cum bff's at my home. I got to do alot of work now...

I started cleaning my home and waited for the night. Everyone gathered at my home it was nice to meet them after few weeks of break. They are like my family.

Me and V went to the kitchen to make dinner for all of us. While others were enjoying themselves with drinks and snacks. Music was loud I could barely hear them.

Finally we made delicious dinner. And was ready to serve. We took our plates and all of us started having it.

J-Hope suddenly screamed at me saying someone ringing the door bell.

I didn't heard anything may be he was hearing alot these days I joked.

Suddenly RM interrupted and said it's true someone out there for you.

I stood from the dining table and went to open the door....

I was shocked to see someone standing as sexy as hell....

"Lana.!!", I screamed.


I was ready to make my move.

I rang the doorbell of JK's house......but he was hella deaf I guess........

I dressed up sexily and made sure it was more revealing cause I know boys can't take it.

"God!!!!, why he is not receiving the door???? I guess the music inside is quite too loud....",I said while continously ringing the doorbell.

Finally.....he came out.........

He was amazed to see me outside.

"Lana", he screamed.

"JK......", I said in seducing voice.

He can't take off his eyes from me...i knew he was into me.

But he questioned me in disgrace.."why are you here???".

"Welll.....I....I...", before saying he interrupted me.

"Lana...it's not safe to be outside for so long at night please go back", after saying he tried to close the door.

But I stopped him.

"JK...Do you know today is my birthday!...I was alone bored so I thought to celebrate it with you......",I said sadly.

"Lana...Happy birthday....but I'm sorry i can't... actually my friends came along today. Anyways you enjoy," he again tries to close the door.

I didn't tried to stop him this time. But suddenly I heard someone else's voice from behind.

"Lana...?? You're here at this time..???", Jin said in shocking tone.

"Hi Jin!!!.. I walked inside JK's home to greet him.

Anyways somehow I entered his home. But I guess at wrong time. Why tf he invited his friends today??? I thought internally.

I trick everyone with my cheap move and started drinking wine with them. But it seem JK was not interested to talk me. Everyone came and joined me. They were happy to see me anyways.

While drinking wine I knowingly acted to spill wine on my dress. They were staring at me like mad. I asked JK to show me the way of washroom.

He said take a right. Ugghhhh...why tf he doesn't come with me.

I stood up and acted to walk inappropriate. At last JK stood and helped me way to washroom.

After reaching washroom I played my tricks to make JK mine

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After reaching washroom I played my tricks to make JK mine.

I slowly started taking my clothes off. JK was stunned and disgusted to see me doing that.

" Lana!!!what are you doing????STOP IT!!!", JK said aggressively.

I bite my lips and does my thing without listening him.

I stood up my index finger and started touching his face from top to bottom.

He stopped me by helping my hands hard.

"Lana...you better go your home back..please...", JK said.

"JK..... I love you....", said in seductive way.

"Lana.....I'm sorry I don't love you. I love someone else.", he said.

"Jk....it's okay...I don't mind you love someone else....I love you only......", I said by kissing his neck.

"Lana.....I care please stop it....", jk pushed me behind.

JK started walking but I hugged him from behind.

"Jk.........please....don't go outside. I need you.......",I cried.

JK turned back while putting his hands on my shoulder," Lana......you're drunk rn so please.....please....behave..!!".

"JK....yes I'm drunk but my feelings for you is not fake. I loved you for a long time. Please give me a chance.", I started making mean faces.

He stood silent. Like he was numb.

I acted according to plan. I took of my dress. But JK stopped me.

" JK take me to your room please!!", I said begging.

"Fine...but don't take too long I'll leave you to my room", he said.

He held his hands across my shoulder and I walked with his support.

I went inside of his room. Wow. I mean such a vibe. I aggressively pulled him back into the room and switched off the lights of his room.

Music was loud in his house. So I took the advantage. I slowly made him turned on his mood.

I slowly took off my dress. He was about to say something but I peck his lips. He was surprised.

To my astonishment he turned on. I slowly made him undress and went on bed. We started enjoying ourselves.......

It was good to be so close to him....I felt like heaven.

Men are men....I laughed as he kissed my body.


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now