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I cannot believe we have completed our one month of togetherness. Even tho he is far from me I've always been in touch with him.

I seriously care for him. Sometimes I feel insecure for him being far I always longed to meet him. But he is so busy these days. All I want is his time. He regularly sends me flowers I adore him he never forgets.

I'm so excited to be finally in a relationship. I had never dreamt of meeting my Prince charming so soon. But JK is more than prince charming.

I've decided to give him surprise today because we have completed our first momth anniversary......soo......I'm off to meet him.

I landed on his native place. And went straight to meet him. I guess he is at V's home as he informed me V was quite homesick so he went to give him company.

Finally....I reached v's home....I brought my small bag of clothes and one big bouquet of roses for JK. I was really excited to give him a surprise.

As I  raised my hand to knock the door.....I heard JK complaining something to V........



After getting along with kiara I was happy because finally I've done what i said to Jimin. Yeah whatever......

She is beautiful I mean....I felt for her.......UNTIL..........

Until she became hell out of possesive for me. Like why she acted like my mom.

" Look at you dumbass, you completed one month relationship...I mean wow.... I guess I'm the only one single here.........I wish I could enjoy like you....",V winked at me and said miserably.

" I've haven't enjoyed yet bro.....", i said sadly.

V stared at me and said...." What's wrong bro..???".

" Man.....I don't understand her. She act like my mom. Tbh.....I haven't connected with her. She is miserable.......

.........I mean who tf celebrates evey week anniversary bro....she txt me every single  second.........she becomes insecure for me like I'll go with someone else.......I'm so done with her.....she doesn't allow me to kiss her man....girls are dying to have one kiss from me and here she is showing me attitude.......

.......she has damaged my mind bro.......I wanna get out of this cage. She acts like my exes........idgaf to my exes so who the hell is she..... she think I'm a machine I should send her flowers every week.......tbh she don't wanna know what I feels........

..........like seriously bro I only felt for her sexy body that's it..........if I knew she is weird I've never tried on her........."...I said out in anger  and went washroom without getting V's reaction.



I felt my heart broken and scattered into pieces. I heard everything JK said to V........

I felt slapping him. But.........I controlled........

I went inside the house. V was shocked seeing me. I went closer to him and kept the bouquet on the table and said to V.......

" V.....I'm sorry......(my tears were rolling down my cheeks).....I didn't knew I am that bad for your best friend........

........I.....I....I never meant to hurt him. I loved him like nobody else did..............The things which he said was cage for him was my way of showing love to him............ V............I've never  been in a relationship before.........I've never experienced how to show love..........I'm bad at this......

.........please tell him it was my pleasure to have him.........And....don't forget to say him........HE IS FREE FROM THE CAGE  NOW.......", I cried and ran away from V's house and went straight to the airport for getting next flight home asap.



I came out of the washroom and saw a big bouquet of roses which was my all time  favourite. I saw V was speechless staring me..........

"Who sent this bouquet??? They're so beautiful....", I said grabbing it.

" Your ex girlfriend", V said in sad tone.

"Which one??" , I joked.

V grabs my bouquet from me and throws down in despair and said, " Do you think is this a joke..???.

" I don't know what you're talking about", I said.

" Kiara came here......", V said looking at my eyes.

" Kiara!!! Here???....She...she didn't told me she was coming.....what's wrong with her....", I said in a normal way.

" I'm sorry to say but it's over between you guys......she told me to tell you...."

" Whatttt????????....",I was shocked.

" Yes it's true... you are single now like me....", V said miserably.

" But why??", I asked.

"Of course after listening your whole f complaints who'll wish to stay beside you......Man....you have hurt her.....she said you are free from the cage now......",V said and went his bedroom.

I was shocked to know she heard all my f complaints. Anyways I don't care what she thinks of me. It's over from her....so from here...and I went to sleep....


☆Hurt in love☆ //JungkookffWhere stories live. Discover now