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A/N : Now Playing: Saturday Nights ⏮️  ⏯  ️⏭  ️🔂


I can smell the smoke before we even enter the gates to the parking lot. Not going to lie I'm a little excited, but I make sure not to make it show to Louise or she'll give me shit for it for the rest of my life.

I've never been one for parties like this. Nothing about  drinking contests and dancing and hooking up with strangers interests me. I'd much rather chill, talk, listen to music, maybe share a beer or too. These parties are repulsive.

We reach a group of people surrounding a small table with alcohol on it. Someone immediately hands me a cup with what smells like cherry cola. Being the idiot I am I take a big gulp thinking it's just cherry cola. It takes all I have not to spit it out.

"You better finish that." Louise looks at me suspiciously.

"I will," I fake a smile.

"Do it, then"


"Chug it," she narrows her eyes at me and crosses her arms.

"I uh, I'd rather take sips."

"Come on, Alex! Live a little"

Another guy notices Louise's outburst and starts chanting,

"Chug it, chug it chug it!"

Soon everyone around me is chanting and looking at me expectantly. I roll my eyes. No backing out of this one. I take a sip of the strong drink and Louise tips my cup and holds it so I have do drink it if I don't want any to get on my shirt. When it's finally finished everyone cheers and pats me on the back, like I've made a huge accomplishment.

Almost immediately I can feel the fuzziness in my head, but I actually want another drink. I refill my cup and tell Louise I'm going for a walk.

I've only ever been to the beach once. It was my little sister's sixth birthday and she forced me to take her so she could run in the sand with our dog.  She looked so happy and asked me to go again for her next birthday. Instead I promised that we would go every weekend. She died a week later, and I never went back.

But look at me now, half drunk with a half empty cup in my hand, walking along the shore. Everyone else is long behind now, and it's probably a bad idea for me to stray away like this, so near to the water when I can't swim. But right now I couldn't care less. I lay my jacket down on the sand and sit down. After a while I feel myself slowly start to sober up. Finally.

"Not enjoying the party?" A voice asks from behind me.

Greene. Smirking at me.

I quickly stand up and pick up my jacket. I knew he'd be here. Why am I so surprised? Why is my heart beating so loud? What the fuck is in this drink?

"I uh, no. I just needed to get away."

He hums and puts a hand in his pocket. "You shouldn't be this far from everyone," he nods his head to the general direction of the party.

"Yet you're here," I tilt my head to the side. He's wearing a grey t-shirt under a black zip up hoodie and black beach shorts. His black, curly hair looks disheveled from the strong wind blowing past us.

"From a far you look like another drunk guy who wandered off and passed out." He says matter of factly. "I wanted to check if you're okay." I shrug my shoulders and look away.

"Let's head back," he nods his head to the party again.

I want to say no. I want to tell him to go away. But part of me is so happy he's finally talking to me, and even more of me is ecstatic he wants to walk with me. He did say, 'lets', which is collective.

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