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Greene's pov:)

If I had a little more time, I would've killed him. With no hesitation whatsoever, I swear I would've done it.

I hadn't even wanted to go to that stupid bonfire, until I overheard Louise saying Alex would be there. I was going to show up, apologize to him, and tell him everything. Hopefully the night was going to end up with us making out in the car, just like before.

But no. When I saw him holding hands with that guy, smiling, I was pissed off. And obviously jealous, but I'm not ready to say that out loud. So I watched him move on without me. I know,  I pushed him away. But, fuck, that hurt. More than I'm willing to admit.

Last night had me contemplating if I selfish enough to just be with him, and fuck the consequences. But I'm afraid of what my father will do. He's done it before.

If Alex and I were to have any kind of relationship, he'd be dead the second my father found out. I can't lose someone else this way, I just can't. And I wish I'd just done things differently.

Now, as I watch him lightly snoring on my bed, I wish I'd done everything differently. Maybe then, I'd have him.

Louise is on her way to come pick him up before Papa gets home. She fucked up last night, leaving him with someone he didn't know. What would he have done if I hadn't shown up? Thinking about it makes my blood boil. I should've killed that idiot.

The second I hear Louise's car in the driveway, I gently carry Alex,(who sleeps like the dead) and take  him downstairs to her car.

"I'm so sorry," is the first thing she says to me, quickly opening the backdoor. "Rob told me we could trust Andre and he'd probably just take Alex to his place and chill and I had no idea he was going to -"

"It's fine." I grit out. Though it's really not. Things could have ended really bad for Alex. God knows what would have happened if I hadn't shown up. "Just- when he wakes up, give him food. He threw it all up last night."

Louise grimaces, and I notice she looks like shit. Her newly dyed hair is all over the place, and last night's makeup is still on her face. She probably as a nasty hangover right now, but I  don't feel bad for her in the least. She still fucked up.

She tiredly rubs her eyes and closes the door once Alex is in. "I'll tell his mom he was so tired he slept over."

"Get some rest too." I tell her, waving as she drives away.

I walk back into the house, to see Mama standing by the door. She helped me carry him up the stairs last night, and got him hot chocolate while he threw up in the bathroom. No questions asked.

"You care for him," she says. It's not a question, but I nod. I can see the regret in her eyes.
"Be careful, Greene. We all know what your papa is capable of, if he finds out-"

"He won't find out." I say. " He can't take someone else I care about from me." I say. I won't let it happen again. Not this time.

Mama nods and pats me on the shoulder. She's one of the few people I know I can count on to keep a secret from Papa.

"Your father is bringing some friends over for lunch, get dressed." She says to me, and I know something big is about to happen. Papa only brings friends over when they want to discuss plans for the House. And it's usually never anything good.


Papa shows up an hour later, in a black SUV followed by three tinted Bentleys. A total of eight men step out of the vehicles, all immaculately dressed. Mama and l stand by the door, ready to give them firm handshakes, as papa told us to.

"So this is the heir!" One of the men says, giving me a violent pat on the back. I force a smirk and nod my head. Be cocky, but not too much, Papa said. We all shake hands and make our way into the small living room, where Mama has laid out all the good liquor.

"Let's get right down to business." Papa says in Italian, sitting down. "Well, actually, there is no business. The plans have already been made."

I look at him curiously, waiting for him to continue. "You see, I've had you and your Mama living in this place for years, while I worked hard to provide us with the empire we have now. And while we were under the eye of the law for the past few years, after a bit of... negotiations, we can finally start living the lives we deserve without being under suspicion."

I can already see where this is going and I'm dreading what he's about to say.

" So, I've finally bought us a house. A mansion. What you've always wanted, right? Honey?," He turns to Mama, and she beams at him, but I know it's all fake. Mama never wanted a big house. She never wanted servants and maids and huge courtyards. She's happy with where we are now. She loves our small house more than anything.

"What about the other houses?" I ask. We have three other houses already, that we've never even lived in.

"Those are for work," one of the men chips in. In other words, those are the trafficking houses. I try not to let my disgust show.

"I'll have people come and pack your things." Papa says excitedly. "My love, you should just see the kitchen! You'll love it!"

"Can't wait," Mama says. To anyone else she looks happy, excited. But I notice that her smile doesn't reach her eyes. I see the sadness behind them.

And I know that when we do move, it just might be the thing that destroys her.


I'm feeling extra insecure about this chapter, so if you do like it comment and vote!

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