Call 53

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"Hey. It's me, Alex."

A chuckle, "I know, I have your number saved."

"I miss you."

"I left two days ago."

"Feels like it's been years,"

"It does, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. Louise thinks you're never coming back.

" Of course I am. I just need to-"

" Take care of your mom, I know. How is she?"

" Excited. She hasn't seen her family in a while. My, um, dad. He wouldn't let her. "

" Yeah. Where is he? "

" Somewhere. He calls, sometimes."

" Is he...?"

" Still illegal? Yeah," Greene laughs. " But he says he regrets bringing me into this life. I don't believe him."

Greene moved to Seattle with his Mom. He plans on taking care of her for a while, making sure she's settled in, before maybe moving back. He promised me that things between us would stay strong, even with him so far away. And we're not together yet, but we're... something. And something is good enough for me.

Louise and I decided to go to the same university. Shocking to a total of 0 people. She and Rob are currently broken up, but I know they'll be back together in the next two to three business days.

And Mom, she's better. Smiling. Hopefully happy, and working things out with Dad. He, on the other hand, is slowly thawing. Emphasis on slowly. He's also trying to be a good dad to Andy, and to me.

" And you? How are you doing?" I ask Greene.

" I'm okay, Alex. I am. You?"

" My ribs hurt."

" Are you taking your meds?"

" Yeah, but I need something else... To make me feel better."

" What? Don't tell me you want to go get four McFlurries again, after last time-"

" No, no. What I need is... more, um, physical?"

" Physi- Alexander Grayson, are you trying to have phone sex with me?"

" What? No!"

" I'm surprised, really. I mean, wow. Didn't think you had it in you."

" I am not trying to-"

" Shhh. Shush. I could teach you. Let me set the mood."

A familiar song starts playing on the other end of the line. A song I know too well. A song I cried to, thinking of the boy on the call with me.

" This isn't really a romantic song-"

" Shh. It's our song."

" How do you know it's our song?"

" Remember that Saturday night? In the car? When we-"

" Yeah."

" This song played on the radio. I haven't stopped associating you with it ever since. Weird, I know."

If only he knew how I... obsessed over this song. Because of that night.

" Trust me, I know."

And so the song plays on repeat, and Greene whispers over the phone, things I don't think I want to say out loud. And later that night, after we're both tired from...activities, I fall asleep to the sound of his voice, humming along to Saturday Nights.


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