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TW. Drugs are taken. Rape is mentioned. Proceed with caution.


It's been two weeks since schools closed, and the day of the beach party. It was originally meant to be on the last day of school, but people were so excited to leave that it was postponed.

I'm more than nervous, because the only reason I want to go is see if Greene will show up. I'll admit that's a bit unfair to Louise, who just wants to spend some time with me and get me to go out, but I can't help but feel anxiety over whether he'll be there or not. From what I know Greene never misses these parties, but considering how I haven't seen him every time I've passed by his house, I don't think he'll show up this time.

Since the last day we talked, there have been no texts, calls, nothing. Whenever I pass by his house, the curtains are drawn and the lights are off. I've thought about walking up to his door many, many times, but I've stopped myself each time. He said we should stop talking. We should stay away from each other.

This is what he wants.

I have been trying to move on, keeping myself busy with the job I got at the giftshop with Louise, though she only got it so she could let her boyfriend in and make out with him in the back, while I did the actual work.

I've also been spending more time with Andy, taking him out and teaching him all the shit Dad should, but is always too busy to.

Mom has been painfully supportive of my coming out, trying to compensate for Dad's hatred towards my decision. She even bought me a pride flag, but said it's best not to hang it up yet.

I wish she would stop trying so hard, though. It's not like I'm any different from who I was before I told her. I'm still me.

I'm pulling on a black crew neck sweatshirt when I hear a knock on my door. Mom.

"Are you going out?" She asks, leaning against my door frame.

"Yeah. The bonfire thing is tonight."

She glances at her watch, "don't you think it's a little  early?"

"I'll be back before nine."

I can tell she has something to say, but she's holding back. I sigh.

"So. Do you have a date?"

"No, mom. And I'm not looking for one either."

"What about that Greene kid, I've seen you with him a couple of times.."

I tense, and I know it's visible.  So that's what this is about.

"We're just friends." I force out, quickly grabbing my keys.

I'm thankful when she doesn't push me about it, and steps aside to let me pass.

"I'll be back later," I say, giving her a quick hug and walking out the door, where Louise is already waiting.

She grins at me, and pulls off her black beanie. Her hair is acid green.

"How do I look?" She grins.

"I could probably see you from Mars," I laugh, getting into the car.

Louise turns to me with a smile. "This party marks a new era for us, Alex. No more stress, daddy issues, boy problems. Tonight we forget. We move on." As she says this, she slowly turns up the car volume, which is playing die young by Kesha.

"Now let's go get drunk!" She shouts over the high music, and immediately starts laughing and waving. I turn to see Mom, standing by the door, hands on her hips.

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