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All the things that I know

That your parents don't

They don't care like I do

No way like I do

The lyrics have me in a trance, the music filling my ears through my headphones. I close my eyes, seeing palm trees and neon lights, then Greene's face, smiling at me. I remember him kissing me that first time, my hands tangled in his hair.

Guess there's certain dreams that you gotta keep

Cause they'll only know what you let 'em see

Despite the loud volume of the headphones, I hear a soft knock on my door. I open it to see Andy in swimming trunks and a snorkel on his head.

"IT'S BEACH DAY," he runs into my room. He jumps on my bed, moving his arms as if he's swimming.

"Andrew, it's 7 am, what are you doing up?"

"I'm up because IT'S BEACH DAY HOOT HOOT!" he continues to 'swim' on my bed, making the wooden headboard creek.

"What's beach day?" I ask, making him stop and turn over. "Mom and dad are taking me to the beach with Bruno!"

"When did this start?" I ask, laughing.

"Well," his voice gets a lot smaller. "You remember when we  took  Anna out to go swimming at the beach for her birthday?" I nod carefully, and he continues, "I asked Mom for us to go and... She said yeah. She misses her."

"We all do, Andy." I watch him lying on my bed, a small frown on his face. Andy was eight when Anna died, so he does remember it. It took him a while to understand that his sister was permanently gone, but I think now he's okay. He misses her, but he's okay.

"Are you gonna be there the whole day?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood again.

"If I butter up dad for long enough, yeah," he snickers, continuing with his swimming. Finally he gets up and sits on my chair, by my desk. "Are you coming with us?"

"I have a date, but I could meet you there. You said dad's going with you. Is he here?"

"Yeah. I heard him come in."

"You won't be mad if I don't make it though, right?"

"Nah," he says it the way I usually do, making me smile. "I'll convince Mom to buy your share of ice cream and eat it all MWHAHAHA-"

I stand up to chase him, making him squeal and run out of my room, laughing hysterically.

I take a shower and dress in a simple navy blue t shirt and black jeans, thinking it's not necessary to dress up for just a movie and lunch, right? I decide to throw on a denim jacket so I don't look too basic, knowing Addison she'll probably be dressed up in Gucci or some other designer brand.

When I go downstairs, dad is sitting by the kitchen counter, reading a newspaper while eating breakfast.

"Alexander, you're up early," he notes, sipping his coffee."

"Hey Dad. How was your trip?"

He sighs, "Long and boring. Can't wait to be done with it."

"You mean you're going back?" I glare at him.

He sighs again, like he knows where this is going. "It's my job, Alex."

"It's also your job to be here for this family-" I'm angry all over again. We've had this argument hundreds, thousands of times, but he never listens. Never really listens.

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