so, um. yeah.

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I really, really want to take my time with a epilogue, so I'll post it later, later on. But that's practically it?! I'm done!
Thank you a million times to everyone who put in their time to read even one chapter of this book. It's the only book I've ever stuck with long enough to finish, so thank you!

I think, you can see the change in my writing through the book, since it took me about a year to finish💀 and there are so many (too many) parts I've written and cringed at so hard it hurt, and maybe one day I'll edit this book to be how I really want it, bc I know there are parts I didn't write well, confusing parts and unnecessary shit that doesn't need to be there.

Either way, TYSM AND ILYSM for reading!
Every little milestone is a step closer to me one day publishing my own book😭

But I hope I've improved, I hope y'all liked it, and I hope you stick around for the other books I'll write, if I ever muster up the courage to post them.

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