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Since this is the last week before finals, there are barely any lessons with the teachers who have finished with the syllabus. Those shitty teachers who haven't, show up early and try to make us write down all our remaining notes. Everyone knows these teachers can't be trusted to do their job, so we all made sure to study during our own time during the year.

I'm in the last lesson, when Louise moves from her spot in the back to sit on the desk in front of me, holding a bag of jelly worms. The teacher, who doesn't even notice, has his head buried in a newspaper.

"Hey. Sorry I didn't text you last night. I was exhausted after debate."

She gives me a huge, suspicious smile. I narrow my eyes at her. "why did you say it like that?"

"Say what like what?"


She pretends to look at her long nails. "I might've skipped and gone to Rob's house."

I look at her blankly for a moment. Louise always skips, so why is she so happy right now?
I gasp. "Louise, did you and Rob..." I discreetly make the universal finger action for sex. Louise grins and looks up at the ceiling.

"Louise!" I say, a little too loudly. We both look around, luckily none of the students are paying attention to us. Still, I whisper shout, "Louise!"

"What?" She feigns innocence. "It was about damn time, anyway. I can't be touchy with a guy and not want to do it."

Louise who is--was--a proud virgin, always told me how she was gonna wait until she was ready, but I think she was just scared. I remember when I first had sex, and every time I had sex after that, she'd ask me how it was, how it felt and how the girls acted. She kept asking to the point where I grabbed my phone, searched up Pornhub and made her watch a video. That got me into a long lecture with Mom when she saw my search history.

But Louise has finally done it, which means she must really like Robert.

"Robert must be special," I smile at her, watching her blush under her beanie.

"Yeah, he's... Different."

"He's different," I mimick in her high pitched voice. "He was a bad boy, but I know there's good in him, I  can change him-"

"Shut up," she glares while I laugh uncontrollably. "Fuck off."

When I settle down and look at her flushed face, I see it though, that she really likes him.

"Nah, I'm happy for you. You guys are great together. I love seeing you this happy. And you're practically glowing."

She smiles at me, almost like she's about to cry, before she sniffs and looks away. "Ew, emotions." She says shaking her arms.

"So what'd you get up to yesterday? Did you take the bus home?"

"I walked. Stopped by Greene's house to give him some notes. Mom baked this amazing chocolate cake, I brought you some-" I try to slip it in casually, but Louise immediately catches on.

"Hold on. You went to Greene's house?"

"Yeah. Um, Andy was there to give him back these games and I saw him and we sort of...hung out?" My voice gets smaller as I finish the sentence, watching Louise's eyes widen.

"You hung out with Greene. In his house?"


" kiss?"

"What? No! We just hung out, I swear. Then I gave him my notes and left. That's it." The lie comes naturally to my lips. There's no way I'm telling Louise how I practically stuck my tongue down his throat-

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