Staying In

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Hello. I'm Tay's (AnnoyingMicrowave) sister. For those of you who know her personally, thank you so much for the well wishes, messages and prayers. For those of you who might not know, Tay was hospitalized a few months ago, and has not been able to write. She has, however, asked me to post a few of her prewritten chapters, in case there's anyone reading the book.
If you like the book please give her your support, and thank you!


It's the last day of finals, and I've just finished writing my last exam. As I walk out of class, my mind is racing with plans for summer break. I want to get a job at the gaming place in town. Maybe go on a trip with Andy and Mom. And Dad, if he decides he wants to show up.

He left for Paris last week, and I had to hold Andy while he cried at two am, asking me why Dad had to go away so often. We ended up playing videogames until 6am, when he finally fell asleep. He had looked so happy that day they came back from the beach. They all did. Mom and Dad didn't seem to be fighting. In fact, they smiled at each other and were holding hands when they got home. I knew they truly loved each other, but Anna's death had just drifted them apart a little bit. Dad leaving so soon didn't make that happiness last, though.

I walk down the hallway to my locker, and someone jumps onto my back. "WE'RE DONE, BITCH!" she screams into my ear, making me wince as she jumps off me.

"WE'RE DONE, BITCHES!" she screams to the people around us, and most of them hoot, probably as happy as we are to be done with exams. It's all relaxation from here.

"So," Louise leans on the locker next to me and watches me empty out my locker.

"You know we're having the beach party on the last day of school."

"Shit, yeah, I forgot about that."

"You're not backing out, are you?" She narrows her eyes at me. Louise had forced me to swear that I'd be attending this party no matter what, seeing I had avoided going to the last one, and the one before that.

"No, no. I'm going." I say, finally zipping up my bag and closing my locker. Last time I have to use that bitch.

"Good, because you've been working all year, and you need a break."

"You act like I never go to any parties."

"Not willingly. I have to force you to agree to come with me." I roll my eyes, but she's right.

"Music?" She asks, and I nod. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone, scrolling through her playlist. She  hands me an earpod, and Saturday Nights starts playing. I close my eyes and listen to it for a moment, forgetting that I'm in a crowded hallway, forgetting that I have Louise's dirty earpod in my ear, that my back hurts from this bag that's so fucking heavy-

"Alex, you okay?"

My eyes focus back on Louise, who's still standing next to me. "Yeah I just... really like this song." We start weaving through the crowded hallway towards the front door. She smiles at me and increases the volume.

"Want me to play it in here?" She asks, once we're settled in her car. I nod my head. She connects her phone to the Bluetooth speakers and it starts playing.

All the things that I know, that your parents don't

They don't care like I do

No way like I do

For some reason, I hear Greene's velvety voice saying this to me. Does he care about me? I doubt. I remember how he hadn't shown up for any of our exams, which had me worried about him. I didn't go to his house, though, listening to Louise's advice and staying away, in case his 'dangerous' dad was there. Instead I sent him a text asking if he was okay. We'd been talking, days before, but when exams started, he started ignoring me as well. I sent him fifteen more unanswered texts after that.

But now finals are over and I don't know what that means for his grade. Doesn't he want to graduate? Go to college?

"Can you drop me off at Greene's house?" I ask Louise, who glances at me. I told her about our second kiss. And our third one. I also told her about what happened with Addison. She was angry at me at first, but she understood why I didn't tell her, and we made up.

"Um, okay." She says. "Have you talked to him?"

"No. He didn't show up for the exams, you know." Louise stays quiet and keeps her eyes on the road.

"Do you know why?" I ask. She doesn't answer.


"I know why, okay?" She shouts above the music. "I thought he would've told you himself."

"Told me what?"


"Told me what, Louise?"

"Look, it's not my place to say. I could get into a lot of trouble, because this is serious, Alex. I told you Greene's family isn't exactly good. They're involved in some real shady shit. But that's all I'm gonna say about it. The rest, Greene should tell you himself."

She pulls up to his driveway and I say goodbye to her, suddenly feeling nervous. Is Greene involved in all this shady business? Is that why he's been ignoring me?

I walk up to the door and knock a few times, there's no answer. I tell myself maybe he isn't home, but just as I'm about to walk away, the door swings open and there stands Greene.

He has bruises all over his face.


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