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Louise has debate practice after school, which means either I'm walking or taking the bus home. The bus takes longer than just walking, because it makes a hundred stops before getting to my house, so I decide to walk. walking, however, means I have to pass by Greene's house which is in my neighborhood. And no doubt he'll be outside his garage, fixing his car, by the time I get there.

I finally get to my turn and sure enough, a few houses down I see Greene's car. As I get closer I see him standing by his front porch brother?

When Andy sees me he waves frantically and runs down the drive towards me. "Hey, Alex! Guess what?"

When I don't reply he rolls his eyes, but excitedly says, "Greene says I can keep the games. He holds up the cardboard box to me, and I sigh.

"It's not about Greene letting you keep them, Andy. It's about how mom will literally murder both of us if she sees those. It's also about how you're eight years younger than you're supposed to be to play those games."

He frowns at me and sags down, angrily stomping back to Greene, who's been watching us the whole time. I slowly follow him and watch him hand the box back, mumbling something I can't hear.

Greene just smiles at him and ruffles his hair. "Tell you what," he takes the box from him. "I'll keep these, but their your's, aight? You can come on over and play on my PS whenever you want. How does that sound?"

I watch as Andy grins at him and my heart stings with what, jealousy?

He's never smiled at you like that. My conscience forces. I frown.

Greene looks up at me for a moment, noticing my expression. "But only, if your brother's okay with it." He adds.


Andy looks back at me, hope in his big blue eyes. How do I say no to that?

"Fine," I say, glaring at Greene when Andy isn't looking. He jumps up and down and says to me, "race you home?"

"You go on ahead, I'll catch up."

He runs down the porch stairs and speeds down the road. Shaking my head, I glare at Greene.

"What?" He asks, smiling innocently at me.

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Do what?" He tilts his head to the side. Dick.

"You put me in a position where I couldn't say no." I cross my arms at him, making him sigh in exasperation.

"C'mon Alex. Kid just wants to play games. You probably played those when you were ten."

"No. Actually. I didn't."

He frowns at me for a moment, but his face lifts again as he says, "Did you see how happy he was though? He probably doesn't hate you now."

"He never hated me-"

"Do you wanna come in?"

I look up at him, caught off guard. He looks genuinely serious.

"I, um. I gotta go home."

He just smirks at me, crossing his arms and leaning against a beam. "Scared?"

"What? No, I-"

"Got a curfew?


"Got homework?"


"Come in and give me your notes from today. I wasn't at school, if you hadn't noticed."

I shuffle around and look down the road, where I can just about make out the palm tree in our front yard. The sun is setting, making the cloudless sky a bright orange. I look back at Greene, who's patiently waiting for my answer.

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