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Monday finally rolls around and I'm dreading going to school. Louise notices my panicked state when she comes to pick me up.

"You good?" She asks, tapping the steering wheel with the long acrylic talons she calls nails. Today she's wearing a light blue top and faded jeans along with the black beanie she always has on, covering her short purple hair. I look at her and think back on how we met. We were kids and she lived a few houses down from me. I'd decided it was a good idea to try to ride my cousins electric scooter around the neighborhood. As I rode down the road, I lost control of the scooter, rode into their front yard and rammed straight into her before losing my balance and falling off the scooter. She was so mad at me and forced me to let her ride the scooter so she wouldn't tell her parents. She was feisty even back then. Funny how our friendship bloomed off of blackmail.

"Okay, so you're not good," she says, snapping me out of my trance. "You've been staring off into the distance for three minutes."

"I'm fine."

She scoffs. "You don't look fine, Alex. You look like something's bothering you."

"I'm fine." I repeat. She frowns but doesn't say anything.

When I get to my first class of the day, thankfully, Greene isn't there. In fact, I don't see him in any of the other classes we share and I start thinking maybe he didn't show up to school at all.

"He's not here," Louise says to me with a smirk as we walk to the cafeteria during lunch.

"I wasn't- nevermind."

Her smile only widens and she winks at me while we sit down at our usual table.

"Alexander, hey." Addison smiles sweetly at me. I internally groan.

"Hey. How are you?"

She proceeds to tell me about her weekend trip to her dad's estate. Addison's parents are extremely rich and she grew up very... comfortably. She's not snobby or anything, I just don't think she's aware of how entitled she sounds when she talks about her dads money.

" I might be going back there again some other time. Hey, are you free this weekend?" She asks, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Um, why?" I try to be casual about it.

"I was gonna watch a movie and maybe grab lunch with a friend but she cancelled. Do you maybe wanna go with me?" She bats her eyelashes at me.

I want to say no, when I remember what Greene said to me in the car. He thinks I'm gay. Which I am not.
Addison is an attractive girl, and she's nice. Why shouldn't I go out with her? We do get along and it might be fun.

"Yeah, sure."

"Really?" She raises her eyebrows, as if she wasn't expecting me to say yes. I'll admit I'm not always nice to her, wanting her to get the hint that I'm not interested. But now that I think of it, Addison is pretty cool, maybe a little snobby, just a tad bit entitled. But cool.

"Yeah," I smile at her, biting into my sandwich. "Could be fun, right?" She nods enthusiastically.

"What could be fun?" Louise asks from across the table, where she's sitting with her boyfriend, Robert. He's a tall, beefy 'bad boy' who almost punched me in the face when we first met because he thought I had a thing for Louise, us being best friends. Louise told me that she assured him that I didn't like her, telling him that I 'played for the other team.'
Now I know he thinks I'm gay.

"Alex and I are going on a date," Addison squeals from beside me.

"I wouldn't call it a da-"

"Really?" Louise and Robert say at the same time.

Robert smirks, "Funny I thought you were-"

"Babe." Louise cuts him short, making him laugh.

"Huh?" Addison looks from Robert to me, a confused look on her face.

I clear my throat. "So, James!"

Everyone's heads turn to James, sitting at the end of our table, engrossed in a book. His head snaps up and he adjusts his glasses.

"How's that ironman suit coming along?"

James proceeds to talk about how his science club is trying to build an ironman suit for him to wear to comic con. He then gets into an argument with Robert about how Marvel is better than DC, successfully steering everyone's attention away from what had just happened. Well, everyone except Louise. I catch her eyeing me suspiciously before she pulls out her phone and starts typing furiously. My phone pings seconds later.

Lou: A date?? With Addison???

Me: IT'S NOT A DATE. just a movie and lunch.

Lou: sounds like a date to me. What the hell?

Me: what exactly is the problem?

She pauses, looking up at me like I'm an idiot.

Lou: there's no problem.

The bell rings just then and we make our way to our last glasses of the day. I frown when Louise doesn't fist bump me like she usually does as we separate after lunch. She's mad?

Sighing, I go grab my books from my locker and move to my next lesson.


I hope you like the book! I'm actually kinda happy with this one lmao

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