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Greene's Beautiful POV


My hands are shaking. My breath is heavy. I head hurts and my heart is beating out of my chest. I could kill him. I could kill him right now. But I can't.

I have to be smart about this.

I watch at Alexander's unconscious body slump to the floor, anger seeping through me, I can almost taste it. The will to grab this man and choke him to death is getting stronger, but he has the upper hand, with the gun still pointed towards me.

"You did this," he says to me in Italian. He's right.

I should've never gotten myself mixed up with Alex. He's innocent. I hid everything my family did from him pretty well, though I know Louise has said something to him. Now how do I protect him from my father? The one person outside my family, who I'm starting to care about, and Papa wants to take him away from me.

I won't let him.

"Killing people I love won't change the way I am, Papa." I say, my voice calm.

"You don't love him-"

"But I loved Leon. I told you I loved him, and you killed him."

He laughs menacingly, looking up at the ceiling. "I did. And I'll do it again, mark my words. I will not allow my only son to taint my life's work with his foolishness."

"My sexuality being different is foolishness?"

"Yes. It is. This is not how I raised you. You are tarnishing all our values and morals. I will not stand here and allow it. "

"So let me go. Disown me."

"Never," he immediately says. "You will carry this business till you give me a grandson, who will carry this business till he gives me a great grandson, and we will continue, until we all die out."

"I don't want to carry your fucking business! You're a criminal-"

"And what are you?" He switches to Italian. "Are you not the son of a criminal? Does that not make you one as well?"

"No. And I'll never become one. Let me go, Papa. Just let me leave and live my life the way I want to."

"Or what?" He challenges, finally lowering the gun. I try not to show my relief.

"Or I'll rat you out."

"You dare break omerta? For what? A skinny white fa-"

"Don't call him that. I'll walk out of here and straight to the police. I know the detectives who've been trying to get dirt on you for months by name. I know when and where every shipment is made. All I need to do is ask for protection-"

"And what if I blow your brains out before you step foot out that door?" He asks.

"You won't, will you?" I look him straight in the eye. "That goes against everything you stand for. Killing your own blood, let alone your son? You'll lose any respect you have from the other Families. Not to mention Mama."

His gaze falters.

"You love her deeply. She loves me deeply. Imagine her pain, her resentment towards you, for killing your own son-"

"Shut your mouth. Or I'll kill him" He walks towards Alex's unconscious body.

"Touch him again," I warn, "and this will end the same way. Me walking away, and you behind bars."

"You would never break omerta."

"You think I give a fuck about your fucking code of silence? I didn't want this. I didn't want to be born into this stupid family. You've taken everything from me. You wouldn't even let me finish my education, so what, I could take over and be given a life sentence four years down the line?"

He just glares at me.

"Let me go, papa. Let me and Alexander go. And leave us alone."

"What are you going to do, run away?"

"I'm not afraid of you. Here's what you're going to do, though." I slowly walk towards him.

"You're going to spend the next month packing up this safe house. You're going to pack it up, and move, across the continent, I don't give a fuck where. But you're gonna move, and never speak to me, Mama or anyone we know and care about until you die. I'll offer my silence in exchange."

"You dare tell me what to do! You think you're in a position to be making demands? I hold the gun, and it's pointed at your precious boyfriend."

"Pull the trigger. I'll kill you."

He laughs. "And then who will end up behind bars?"

"Me. But I'd rather rot in jail, than carry your criminal legacy."

To that he has nothing to say.

"Quite a predicament you're in, father." I smile at him.

"You cannot do this."

"I can, and I will. If you don't let. Us. Go."

I stare at him for a moment longer, before walking towards him and poking him in the chest.

"You have no cards left to play, Papa. Tell your men to stand down and let us leave."


This chapter really scared me to write, because I suck at mafia writing and I inwardly cringed at so many parts and I will probably come back and change it at some point but ty for reading and ILY AND VOTE❤️

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