Facing Danger

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A/N: *clears throat* okay, so I've been gone for a... while 💀 and my only excuse is life sucks. Life really sucks, but I'm back, and here are the last few chapters of Saturday Nights as my apology 😭 I even made this chapter way longer than my previous ones for you xD ily all for your reads and support. Honestly I thought people would've forgotten about the book by now, but I came back to so many comments and messages and votes, and I'm forever grateful for that.


I feel like shit.
I don't think I've ever felt this bad in my entire life. I feel like I've been run over by a truck.

Louise is snoring next to me, which is confusing, since the last thing I remember is falling asleep in Greene's bed. How did I even get here? Sitting up only brings excruciating waves of pain to my head, so I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. Memories from the night before slowly start to creep back into my mind. Louise, Andre, drugs. And...

Greene. Fuck.

Last night was... Yeah. It was bad. I hadn't planned on getting drunk. Or high. Just... Seeing Greene brought out this anger and hurt inside of me that I hadn't known was there. And some part of me knows I only drank to piss him off. I only hung out with Andre to make Greene angry. And Andre, he-

"You're awake," Louise mumbles, sitting up slowly.

"Yeah. You should go back to bed."

Shaking her head, Louise puts my hands in hers, "Alex, I'm so sorry about last night. I shouldn't have left you alone like that and I thought Andre was-"

"Hey. I'm okay. It's okay. Nothing happened, so let's just forget about, yeah?"

She hugs me for a moment, and I think it's more for her benefit than mine. When we pull away, she asks,

"So, you and Greene?"

I shake my head grimly. "He let go of me, Louise. We're done."

I expect her to defend him, to try to make us work things out, but she only takes my hand, as always, and leads me down to breakfast.


Of course, Mom doesn't suspect a thing when Louise and I show up at 1 pm. She lightly asks about Greene, and I give a vague answer in return. I can tell she has more to say, more to ask, but I change the subject to Dad before she can speak.
Apparently he's gone on another one of his long work trips, and won't be back for another two weeks. Mom does, however, reassure me that Dad is slowly, very slowly, accepting me. I just need to give him time. I spend the rest of the day playing videogames with Andy, before retiring to my room and falling asleep to Saturday Nights.


The next day is a series of disasters occuring back to back, and it starts with a phone call from Louise. Crying.

"He cheated on me." Is the first thing she says, followed by heart wrenching sobs.

"Rob cheated on me. You know that girl from the beach thing? The one with the split ends?"

"Yeah," I say, but I obviously don't remember.

Louise sniffs, " Well. Yeah. It was with her. And he- he didn't even act like he cared, when I found out."

"Louise." I say firmly. I know she doesn't want to hear this, but, I have to say it.

"Let's be honest with each other here. You and Rob were never gonna work out."

To my surprise, she doesn't protest. She just cries a little more before sniffing and saying, "yeah, no, you're right. "

"I am?"

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